IBM / FoodTrackerBackend

This tutorial teaches how to create a Kitura Swift backend for the FoodTracker iOS app tutorial from Apple. This project contains a version of the tutorial code that has been updated to use Codable rather than NSCoder.
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Missing Module Target SwirtKueryORM #30

Closed ghost closed 6 years ago

ghost commented 6 years ago

I am trying to follow the guide, and I encountered an issue In generated Xcode Project, there is no module target named SwirtKueryORM 2018-04-04 1 24 59 2018-04-04 1 25 10

need help, thx

ghost commented 6 years ago

Sorry I think I know what is the problem, fix it by regenerate xcode project. but I encounter more problems: 2018-04-04 1 43 07 seems like missing system library

ghost commented 6 years ago

fixed it I missed: brew install postgresql brew services start postgresql

iheart2code commented 6 years ago

I had this same issue, but reconfiguring the project did not solve the issue for me.

seabaylea commented 6 years ago

Hi @iheart2code.

Usually if you receive "no module target xxxxx" its either an Xcode bug (we get this for Kitura a lot for some reason, but the project still compiles and runs), or the dependency needs to be added to the Package.swift file and the Xcode project regenerated (using swift package generate-xcodeproj).

Can you post your Package.swift file? Also, its worth posting on the Slack channel where we can help more interactively (