IBM / MAX-Image-Resolution-Enhancer

Upscale an image by a factor of 4, while generating photo-realistic details.
Apache License 2.0
984 stars 155 forks source link

I use Podman as opposed to docker and get this error when trying to fetch information from a repo. #58

Open LinuxBeaver opened 2 years ago

LinuxBeaver commented 2 years ago

`[contrast@cosmos max-image-resolution-enhancer]$ sudo podman run -it -p 5000:5000 max-image-resolution-enhancer [sudo] password for contrast: ✔ Trying to pull Error: Error initializing source docker://max-image-resolution-enhancer:latest: Error reading manifest latest in errors: denied: requested access to the resource is denied unauthorized: authentication required

[contrast@cosmos max-image-resolution-enhancer]$`

All four repos have the same error


I would really like to test this software but can't get past this error.