IBM / OpenJCEPlus

This project makes use of Java and C/C++. This project will create OpenJCEPlus and OpenJCEPlusFIPS cryptographic providers which are implementations of the Java™ Cryptography Extensions (JCE) APIs. The actual cryptographic code will come from the OpenCryptographyKitC project which is based on OpenSSL.
Apache License 2.0
4 stars 11 forks source link

Build OCKC and execute OpenJCEPlus tests #47

Closed jasonkatonica closed 6 months ago

jasonkatonica commented 6 months ago

The github action associated with this repository will now clone code from the OpenCryptographyKitC open source project and build this code as part of the github action.

Given that the OpenCryptographyKitC only builds the libraries associated with the OpenJCEPlus provider we will only run those tests for the time being.

Backport of

JinhangZhang commented 6 months ago