IBM / android-kubernetes-blockchain

WARNING: This repository is no longer maintained :warning: This repository will not be updated. The repository will be kept available in read-only mode. Refer to for other blockchain code patterns.
Apache License 2.0
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android-kubernetes-blockchain Vs. Bigchaindb #18

Closed adonnini closed 5 years ago

adonnini commented 5 years ago

Hi, Currently, My Android location tracking and mobility profile production app is integrated with Bigchaindb based blockchain at present using the Bighchaindb testnet.

Briefly, I use the blockchain to build a universally accessible database of access points, determine on the fly indoor/outdoor location of a user, and post user location information and mobility profiles on the blockchain.

After a quick review of your environment, I am not sure I could do the same in your environment at least not without building your entire environment locally.

Is you blockchain implementation meant to be used as I describe above (my current use of the Bigchaindb based blockchain)?


Alex Donnini

AnthonyAmanse commented 5 years ago

Hi, yes - this repo is meant to be used with Hyperledger Fabric