IBM / android-kubernetes-blockchain

WARNING: This repository is no longer maintained :warning: This repository will not be updated. The repository will be kept available in read-only mode. Refer to for other blockchain code patterns.
Apache License 2.0
123 stars 71 forks source link

Other Android applications #19

Open adonnini opened 5 years ago

adonnini commented 5 years ago


I have an Android user location tracking and mobility profiling application currently integrated with Bigchaindb via their Java driver.

I would like to integrate and test my app with your test blockchain. Would I need to implement steps 2-6 in the instructions in readme in order to do this? Is there open access to a test network?


Alex Donnini

AnthonyAmanse commented 5 years ago


You would need to create your own blockchain network with hyperledger fabric and modify it with your own chaincode for your own app. There's also a blockchain platform that's a software-as-a-service with IBM Cloud