IBM / ansible-power-aix

Developer contributions for Ansible Automation on Power
GNU General Public License v3.0
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user module doesn't work if specifying a password in the module #521

Open Fchalon opened 2 months ago

Fchalon commented 2 months ago


I used ibm.power_aix collection to create user on AIX 7.2:

- name: Create user (for AIX) 
     state: "present"
     name: "{{ username }}"
     change_passwd_on_login: False
       home: "/home/{{ username }}"
       maxage: "30"
       pgrp: "{{ groupname }}"

- name: Update user 
     name: "{{ username }}"
     state: modify
     password: "{{ my_password | password_hash('sha512') }}"

User has been created on AIX server, but I can't connect with the new user using the password

How to generate the encrypted password ?