IBM / blockchain-network-on-kubernetes

Demonstrates the steps involved in setting up your business network on Hyperledger Fabric using Kubernetes APIs on IBM Cloud Kubernetes Service.
Apache License 2.0
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instantiate chaincode error #51

Closed 0xwhatly closed 4 years ago

0xwhatly commented 5 years ago

Execute the script to deploy hyperledger fabric network.


When the script is executed to instantiate the chain code,There is an error here. image


kubectl get pod

image Execute

peer chaincode list -C channel1  --installed


0xwhatly commented 5 years ago

This question has puzzled me for several days.

maheshwarishikha commented 5 years ago

@greatyaqi , did u change anything in scripts? If job/pod says..completed/successful....there should not be any error.

0xwhatly commented 5 years ago

I am operating on the mac system.

@maheshwarishikha image Execute

kubectl get pod

image Execute

kubectl logs -f chaincodeinstantiate-hr2wd



kubectl version --short


maheshwarishikha commented 4 years ago

@greatyaqi , I notice that your client and server version are 1.10...but you have docker-dind* ... which should be there incase of IKS 1.11.x or greator. Please refer to step 4 again in the documentation...and retry. It will work. Thanks

0xwhatly commented 4 years ago

@greatyaqi , I notice that your client and server version are 1.10...but you have docker-dind* ... which should be there incase of IKS 1.11.x or greator. Please refer to step 4 again in the documentation...and retry. It will work. Thanks

solved it!