DFHSJ1004 04/02/2020 13:22:12 IYCWEMW2 CICSUSER An exception has been thrown by the route method of class com/ibm/cics/router/Router running in JVMSERVER EYUCMCIJ.
Exception 'Bundlepath: /u/expauto/bundles/gradle-demo-multi-bundle_1.0.0/ Symbolic-name: simple-bundle-1.7.7 Version: 1.7.7 could not be found.'.
Looks like the version is being injected into the symbolic name - need to ensure we're using the symbolicName from the com.ibm.cics.bundle.parts.OsgiBundlePart, not just the name.
I've not yet been able to successfully deploy a bundle with a JAR type cicsBundle dependency, such as:
DFHSJ1004 04/02/2020 13:22:12 IYCWEMW2 CICSUSER An exception has been thrown by the route method of class com/ibm/cics/router/Router running in JVMSERVER EYUCMCIJ. Exception 'Bundlepath: /u/expauto/bundles/gradle-demo-multi-bundle_1.0.0/ Symbolic-name: simple-bundle-1.7.7 Version: 1.7.7 could not be found.'.