IBM / cloud-pak-deployer

Configuration-based installation of OpenShift and Cloud Pak for Data/Integration/Watson AIOps on various private and public cloud infrastructure providers. Deployment attempts to achieve the end-state defined in the configuration. If something fails along the way, you only need to restart the process to continue the deployment.
Apache License 2.0
131 stars 66 forks source link

issue with CP4D 4.8 installation #586

Closed ronanb3 closed 8 months ago

ronanb3 commented 8 months ago

I have this error while installing CP4D 4.8.0

TASK [cp4d-login : Get IAM Access token when authenticating through Foundational Services IAM] ***
Thursday 30 November 2023  12:33:05 +0000 (0:00:00.059)       1:06:19.605 *****
FAILED - RETRYING: Get IAM Access token when authenticating through Foundational Services IAM (3 retries left).
FAILED - RETRYING: Get IAM Access token when authenticating through Foundational Services IAM (2 retries left).
FAILED - RETRYING: Get IAM Access token when authenticating through Foundational Services IAM (1 retries left).
fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => {"attempts": 3, "cache_control": "private, max-age=0, no-cache, no-store", "changed": false, "content": "<html>\r\n  <head>\r\n    <meta name=\"viewport\" content=\"width=device-width, initial-scale=1\">\r\n\r\n    <style type=\"text/css\">\r\n      body {\r\n        font-family: \"Helvetica Neue\", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;\r\n        line-height: 1.66666667;\r\n        font-size: 16px;\r\n        color: #333;\r\n        background-color: #fff;\r\n        margin: 2em 1em;\r\n      }\r\n      h1 {\r\n        font-size: 28px;\r\n        font-weight: 400;\r\n      }\r\n      p {\r\n        margin: 0 0 10px;\r\n      }\r\n      .alert.alert-info {\r\n        background-color: #F0F0F0;\r\n        margin-top: 30px;\r\n        padding: 30px;\r\n      }\r\n      .alert p {\r\n        padding-left: 35px;\r\n      }\r\n      ul {\r\n        padding-left: 51px;\r\n        position: relative;\r\n      }\r\n      li {\r\n        font-size: 14px;\r\n        margin-bottom: 1em;\r\n      }\r\n {\r\n        position: relative;\r\n        font-size: 20px;\r\n      }\r\n, {\r\n        content: \"\";\r\n        left: 0;\r\n        position: absolute;\r\n        top: 0;\r\n      }\r\n {\r\n        background: #0066CC;\r\n        border-radius: 16px;\r\n        color: #fff;\r\n        content: \"i\";\r\n        font: bold 16px/24px serif;\r\n        height: 24px;\r\n        left: 0px;\r\n        text-align: center;\r\n        top: 4px;\r\n        width: 24px;\r\n      }\r\n\r\n      @media (min-width: 768px) {\r\n        body {\r\n          margin: 6em;\r\n        }\r\n      }\r\n    </style>\r\n  </head>\r\n  <body>\r\n    <div>\r\n      <h1>Application is not available</h1>\r\n      <p>The application is currently not serving requests at this endpoint. It may not have been started or is still starting.</p>\r\n\r\n      <div class=\"alert alert-info\">\r\n        <p class=\"info\">\r\n          Possible reasons you are seeing this page:\r\n        </p>\r\n        <ul>\r\n          <li>\r\n            <strong>The host doesn't exist.</strong>\r\n            Make sure the hostname was typed correctly and that a route matching this hostname exists.\r\n          </li>\r\n          <li>\r\n            <strong>The host exists, but doesn't have a matching path.</strong>\r\n            Check if the URL path was typed correctly and that the route was created using the desired path.\r\n          </li>\r\n          <li>\r\n            <strong>Route and path matches, but all pods are down.</strong>\r\n            Make sure that the resources exposed by this route (pods, services, deployment configs, etc) have at least one pod running.\r\n          </li>\r\n        </ul>\r\n      </div>\r\n    </div>\r\n  </body>\r\n</html>\r\n", "content_type": "text/html", "elapsed": 0, "msg": "Status code was 503 and not [200]: HTTP Error 503: Service Unavailable", "pragma": "no-cache", "redirected": false, "status": 503, "url": ""}

I did many tests all successful on this error and I tried the installation again and it went through. It may be a wait to increase in Ansible, as the error mentioned may be a pod not started.