IBM / cloud-pak-deployer

Configuration-based installation of OpenShift and Cloud Pak for Data/Integration/Watson AIOps on various private and public cloud infrastructure providers. Deployment attempts to achieve the end-state defined in the configuration. If something fails along the way, you only need to restart the process to continue the deployment.
Apache License 2.0
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Watsonxaiifm patched incorrectly #593

Closed fketelaars closed 7 months ago

fketelaars commented 7 months ago

Describe the bug When patching the Watsonxaiifm CR with the models to be installed, an error occurs. Definition in deployer:

  - name: watsonx_ai
    state: installed
    - model_id: google-flan-t5-xxl
      state: removed
    - model_id: google-flan-ul2
      state: removed
    - model_id: eleutherai-gpt-neox-20b
      state: installed
    - model_id: ibm-granite-13b-chat-v1
      state: removed
    - model_id: ibm-granite-13b-instruct-v1
      state: removed
    - model_id: meta-llama-llama-2-70b-chat
      state: removed
    - model_id: ibm-mpt-7b-instruct2
      state: removed
    - model_id: bigscience-mt0-xxl
      state: removed
    - model_id: bigcode-starcoder
      state: removed


  stderr: 'Error from server (BadRequest): error decoding patch: invalid character '','' looking for beginning of value'
  stderr_lines: <omitted>
  stdout: ''
  stdout_lines: <omitted>

Command that is being executed:

oc patch Watsonxaiifm watsonxaiifm-cr \
  -n cpd \
  --type=merge \
  --patch '{"spec": {"install_model_list": [,"ibm-mpt-7b-instruct2"] } }'

There is an extra comma at the beginning of the list. This first comma should be skipped.

Workaround Place the model(s) to be installed at the beginning of the list.