IBM / cloud-pak-deployer

Configuration-based installation of OpenShift and Cloud Pak for Data/Integration/Watson AIOps on various private and public cloud infrastructure providers. Deployment attempts to achieve the end-state defined in the configuration. If something fails along the way, you only need to restart the process to continue the deployment.
Apache License 2.0
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[CP4BA] Cleaning PostgreSQL scripts #835

Open P-147 opened 2 weeks ago

P-147 commented 2 weeks ago

Hello again cpd team!

As I was working on PR #826 , I noticed a lot of possible improvements in the scripts creating the Postgres DB. Here are my submissions ; I think this should improve the global readability of the ansible scripts.

I also have a question about a part of the scripts, cf. to this other question at end of this PR description.


This patch fix multiple discrepancies between some identical pg SQL snippets, some incoherence/useless code and simplify the global readability of those scrips (in my opinion — Feel free to debate with me on this! 😄 )

List of Changes

This other question

I didn't submit this improvement in my PR, as I was a little bit unsure about.
Let me know what you think!

As I was going through the scripts, I noticed that the ansible task for removing the created pg tablespaces use the name of the database instead of the real name of the tablespace: e.g.: devos1 instead of devos1_tbs.

The _tbs part is added under the hood in this ansible Role (l.27) :

In my opinion, it would be clearer to remove the _tbs suffix from the role and directly add it on each item in the with_items: list for these reasons:

I'm waiting for your feedback! 😄