IBM / dbb-zappbuild

zAppBuild is a generic build solution for building z/OS applications using Apache Groovy build scripts and IBM Dependency Based Build (DBB) APIs.
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Question : zUnit - While Running the test case - Failed to load the User program getting SOC4 Abend #453

Closed APSDevp closed 7 months ago

APSDevp commented 7 months ago


While Running the test case program the load module with the recorded program is not added to BUZINCL and that causes the abend SOC4. I assume this may be because some configuration is missing or with a property group.

Request your expertise to solve this issue. please help on it.

dennis-behm commented 7 months ago

@APSDevp - are you using the zUnitConfig.groovy that is generating the zunit test JCL?

It adds via these two entries the libraries into steplib.

APSDevp commented 7 months ago

@dennis-behm Thanks for the response, Now I am trying with IDz Standalone and found that I have missed adding the Load module dataset in the Property group under zunit tab. After adding can see the load Dataset in the generated JCL however still getting the OC4 abend - showing as "BZUP104S UNHANDLED ABEND=SOC4 DETECTED"

Is this because of program level issue ? am trying very simple program which take single input via PARM and display it.

dennis-behm commented 7 months ago

If you run this by the zUnit > Run Test case... option that generates the JCL, you might need to override the STEPLIB

Blow snippet overwrites STEPLIB at the 6th position and adds the library with the application modules.

//         DD
//         DD
//         DD
//         DD

Remember that the zAppBuild process is separating the into LOAD and TEST.LOAD libraries.


APSDevp commented 7 months ago


Thanks, I tried adding it - able to see loadlib getting override but still getting the same error - SOC4. I am looking into it might be because something got missed at the program level.

one doubt in IDz preference for playback dataset -I have given a HLQ for example DBHEM.DBB.PB and here expectation is the recorded data will be stored in PDS DBHEM.DBB.PB.PGRNME , for me I am seeing dialogue box it coming as "PDS DBHEM.DBB.PB.PGRNME" but another qualifier - "AZUPLAY" getting added and it becomes not editable.

so recorded data is present in DBHEM.DBB.PB.AZUPLAY.PGRNME and JCL searching looking at DBHEM.DBB.PB.PGRNME which also leads to error.

Could you please let me know why it is creating a qualifier called "AZUPLAY" ? how to overcome this ?

dennis-behm commented 7 months ago


It requires to understand the exact steps that you have performed, which version of IDZ you are using, and much more. In my scenario, I used 16.0.2.

This repository is for zAppBuild and its community of users, it is not the right place for zUnit usage questions. Please go through the IBM support portal to get help specifically for IDZ/zUnit.

APSDevp commented 7 months ago

Thanks @dennis-behm