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Cannot add answer into DeveloperWorks customers posting #141

Open donovat opened 4 years ago

donovat commented 4 years ago

A customer has asked a question in the developerWorks forum;

However, when ever I add an answer, and post, the posting is not added to the page as it should be. No error occurs. Although it often then logs out of complains about cookies. I have tried both firefox and chrome to perform the posting.

donovat commented 4 years ago

could this be the same issue as #122 - @shilpa481

shilpa481 commented 4 years ago

Issue is related. Can you please send your IBM id you use to login dW Answers?

donovat commented 4 years ago

I use my ibm id, but not sure why you now need to limit who answers these requests, other then having them login ( which I had). Regards, Tim Donovan Senior Emerging Technology Specialist, Healthcare Industry focus. Emerging Technologies, IBM Research