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Creating an "HPC" section in Technologies #55

Open l6l opened 5 years ago

l6l commented 5 years ago

This is Lixiang Luo, an IBM RSM from IBM Research, currently working in the IBM/ORNL Center of Excellence.

I noticed that there is no High Performance Computing (HPC) section in the Technologies page. Although HPC is usually considered a niche segment, one of IBM's most well-known projects, Summit and Sierra, is indeed in the HPC business.

Clients in this segment include national labs, universities, HPC departments in certain industries (oil & gas, automobile, aerospace...). Applications in this segment shows extreme scales, both inside a node and across thousands of nodes in a cluster, thus posing unique challenges not often seen in other segments.

We gained quite a bit of experience during the procurement of Summit and Sierra, which can be rather helpful for the wider HPC community. Due to the success of Summit and Sierra, users start to show more interest in POWER systems, but there isn't much knowledge sharing on this subject on IBM Developer. I wonder if we can add a segment for HPC in the new IBM Developer site. We have plans to generate more online tutorials for HPC audience, and IBM Developer seems to be a great upgrade from developerWorks.

mcorbin-ibm commented 5 years ago

Discussing via email.