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AutoScenarioDbTable - NotImplementedError for DB reflection #42
The statement table = Table(self.db_table_name, metadata_obj, autoload_with=engine), as used for the AutoScenarioDbTable, throws a NotImplementedError.
The AutoScenarioDbTable uses this to get the Table and Columns from DB reflection. Instead of the regular ScenarioDbTable, in which the user codes the Table in Python.
In Windows, a revert to SQLAlchemy <1.4 seemed to work.
But not in CPD 4.0.5
The statement
table = Table(self.db_table_name, metadata_obj, autoload_with=engine)
, as used for the AutoScenarioDbTable, throws a NotImplementedError. The AutoScenarioDbTable uses this to get the Table and Columns from DB reflection. Instead of the regular ScenarioDbTable, in which the user codes the Table in Python.In Windows, a revert to SQLAlchemy <1.4 seemed to work. But not in CPD 4.0.5
This relates to difficulty in upgrading to SQLAlchemy 1.4 See also: https://github.com/ibmdb/python-ibmdbsa/issues/104 (In the issue, someone recently posted a work-around)
Addition problem is that Pandas 1.4 requires SQLAlchemy 1.4, so we will need to upgrade soon