IBM Cloud Functions building block - Cloudant Trigger - This project provides a starting point for handling events from Cloudant with IBM Cloud Functions powered by Apache OpenWhisk.
Some of the instruction seem to be missing elementary level explanation. For example, it isn't explained what "Create a file named process-change.js" this file is doing.
Additionally, further detail on some of the wsk commands would be helpful in learning. Such as, what is it blocking, what happens if it isn't blocking? This may be trivial for those with OpenWhisk experience, but necessary for those without.
Unit test the new action directly
wsk action invoke \
--blocking \
--param name Tahoma \
--param color Tabby \
Some of the instruction seem to be missing elementary level explanation. For example, it isn't explained what "Create a file named process-change.js" this file is doing.
Additionally, further detail on some of the wsk commands would be helpful in learning. Such as, what is it blocking, what happens if it isn't blocking? This may be trivial for those with OpenWhisk experience, but necessary for those without.
Unit test the new action directly
wsk action invoke \ --blocking \ --param name Tahoma \ --param color Tabby \ process-change