IBM / ibm-cloud-functions-refarch-web-application

Create a serverless, event-driven application with Apache OpenWhisk on IBM Cloud Functions that executes code in response to the loading of web pages.
Apache License 2.0
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ibmcloud_login function in shell scripts fails #7

Closed jthomas closed 5 years ago

jthomas commented 5 years ago

This shell function (ibmcloud_login) fails due to the following command not working.

IBMCLOUD_API_ENDPOINT=$(ibmcloud api | awk '/'$BLUEMIX_REGION'/{ print $2 }')

This is due to the ibmcloud api command not listing the API endpoints anymore?

$ ibmcloud api
No api endpoint set. Use 'ibmcloud api' to set an endpoint
Default api endpoint:

Can we just remove the use of the ibmcloud_login function entirely and ask the user to login as a per-requisite instructions? Either that or ask the user to provide the IBMCLOUD_API_ENDPOINT endpoint directly rather than trying dynamically determine it.

loafyloaf commented 5 years ago

Indeed, I had not been using the most recent CLI. I've removed the offending command, commented out the function in the scripts, and manually set the endpoint in the environment file in #10