IBM / ibm-spectrum-scale-csi

The IBM Spectrum Scale Container Storage Interface (CSI) project enables container orchestrators, such as Kubernetes and OpenShift, to manage the life-cycle of persistent storage.
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CSO events for gui user password expiry are not periodic #1005

Open saurabhwani5 opened 1 year ago

saurabhwani5 commented 1 year ago

Describe the bug

CSO event when GUI User expired of remote cluster is coming before 24 Hours , where it should be after completion of 24 Hours.

How to Reproduce?

  1. Install CSI 2.10 (PR1002 Image)
    [root@saurabh6-master ~]# oc get pods
    NAME                                                  READY   STATUS    RESTARTS        AGE
    ibm-spectrum-scale-csi-attacher-b6b6d4948-5kfcn       1/1     Running   0               6h56m
    ibm-spectrum-scale-csi-attacher-b6b6d4948-pz77p       1/1     Running   0               6h56m
    ibm-spectrum-scale-csi-operator-567f8455f5-l7ntt      1/1     Running   1 (6h57m ago)   2d1h
    ibm-spectrum-scale-csi-provisioner-b456fbb49-tzlsx    1/1     Running   0               6h56m
    ibm-spectrum-scale-csi-resizer-84d84bfdf6-x798x       1/1     Running   0               6h56m
    ibm-spectrum-scale-csi-sj7wj                          3/3     Running   0               6h56m
    ibm-spectrum-scale-csi-snapshotter-656d4bd64f-s8fv9   1/1     Running   0               6h56m
    ibm-spectrum-scale-csi-vbkvw                          3/3     Running   0               6h56m
    [root@saurabh6-master ~]# oc get cso
    NAME                     VERSION   SUCCESS
    ibm-spectrum-scale-csi   2.10.0    True
    [root@saurabh6-master ~]# oc describe pod | grep quay
    Image ID:
    Image ID:
    Image ID:
2. Expire the password of storage cluster which is being used by CSI
`[root@csi-86-scalegui ~]# /usr/lpp/mmfs/gui/cli/chuser remoteadmin --expirePassword`
3. Check CSO event after 24 Hours

Events: Type Reason Age From Message

Normal CSIConfigured 17m (x9 over 24h) CSIScaleOperator The CSI driver resources have been created/updated successfully Warning AuthError 17m (x3 over 3h48m) CSIScaleOperator Either the username/password is incorrect or the password has been expired for the Scale GUI clusterIds: [227604367530725699]

## Expected behavior
CSO events should come after 24 hours only , as per above cso event is coming before 3h48m , Also this event is coming 3 times which is also not expected

### Data Collection and Debugging
badri-pathak commented 10 months ago

The current manager uses default period which is 10hrs to execute Reconcile loop of the controller everytime. The gui-password expiry check is being called on the every reconcile irrespect of the setting any RequeueAfter of 24 hours i.e. reconcile after every 24hrs because by deafult reconcile happens in 10hrs. If needed to perform manual reconcile before auto reconcile loop we need to set SyncPeriod while manager creation of each controller and accordance to RequeueAfter in the Reconcile function.


syncPeriod := time.Duration(4 * time.Minute)
mgr, err := ctrl.NewManager(ctrl.GetConfigOrDie(), ctrl.Options{
        Scheme:             scheme,
        MetricsBindAddress: metricsAddr,
        NewCache:                cache.MultiNamespacedCacheBuilder(namespaces),
        SyncPeriod:              &syncPeriod,

Reference manager options :

badri-pathak commented 10 months ago

Normal CSIConfigured 17m (x9 over 24h) CSIScaleOperator The CSI driver resources have been created/updated successfully Warning AuthError 17m (x3 over 3h48m) CSIScaleOperator Either the username/password is incorrect or the password has been expired for the Scale GUI clusterIds: [227604367530725699]

The password expiry is being checked on every reconcile. Here the last event of password expiry has happened 17m ago, this could be because the reconcile has happened because of other reasons. The password expiry checks is not the reason for this non-periodic time. There are various reasons for reconciles.