IBM / ibm_zos_zosmf

Ansible collection to work with z/OS based on z/OS Management Facility (z/OSMF).
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Deploying CICS application playbook fails with file not found error #57

Closed srisudhap closed 4 years ago

srisudhap commented 4 years ago


sample_role_deploy_cics_application playbook fails with the below error

TASK [cics_wlp_install_app : Install CICS application - Write application binary to USS file] ****************************************************************
Wednesday 01 July 2020  01:24:32 -0400 (0:00:00.622)       0:02:34.006 ********
fatal: [zosmf1]: FAILED! => {"cache_control": "no-cache=\"set-cookie, set-cookie2\"", "changed": false, "connection": "Close", "content": "{\"category\":6,\"rc\":8,\"reason\":93651005,\"message\":\"File not found.\",\"stack\":\"  1 20506E58+000001D4 PosixFileControl::open(const char*)\\n  2 205053C8+00000472 PutFileServlet::doPut()\\n  3 2050C788+000000CE TsoServlet::service()\\n  4 205399F8+0000019E TsoServlet::run()\\n  5 20539350+000003A0 main\\n  6 0626DF90+0000127C CEEVROND\\n  7 1FCFD280+000000B4 EDCZHINV\\n  8 06103978+000001C6 CEEBBEXT\\n\",\"details\":[\"EDC5129I No such file or directory. (errno2=0x0594003D)\"]}", "content_language": "en-US", "content_length": "464", "content_type": "application/json; charset=UTF-8", "date": "Wed, 01 Jul 2020 05:24:59 GMT", "elapsed": 0, "expires": "Thu, 01 Dec 1994 16:00:00 GMT", "json": {"category": 6, "details": ["EDC5129I No such file or directory. (errno2=0x0594003D)"], "message": "File not found.", "rc": 8, "reason": 93651005, "stack": "  1 20506E58+000001D4 PosixFileControl::open(const char*)\n  2 205053C8+00000472 PutFileServlet::doPut()\n  3 2050C788+000000CE TsoServlet::service()\n  4 205399F8+0000019E TsoServlet::run()\n  5 20539350+000003A0 main\n  6 0626DF90+0000127C CEEVROND\n  7 1FCFD280+000000B4 EDCZHINV\n  8 06103978+000001C6 CEEBBEXT\n"}, "msg": "Status code was 404 and not [204]: HTTP Error 404: Not Found", "redirected": false, "set_cookie": "LtpaToken2=zdYQj/N7e5uP16tmx2nwig0nKYhJTXAKEdYjDPuejgx4DW4NSMz9JhVkuNLlnZ4RMObpG6OLnPZvxbIhlfP/ZNzETiq9uifFy4CMVS5/zQwYC/lbN8/Cs4bqwHI6eiiPPTm11O0fsztwvoIE0Ewk6ab1w8rWX2LvScYQWgAApBsVfZYry/GlTZKP73/ErxNjQsN4vusgAIpjgFNVURAIBNCSrzTQQYW81i3VfM32vmuPytJt+fb7atj2IWxNZwA/fyjy94YwwPuTNjBzE855x5dG+N14ri3O7NYg+4vLUOtsg2qoCUhDd3+IDW+YCF2s; Path=/; Secure; HttpOnly", "status": 404, "strict_transport_security": "max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains", "url": "https://xxxx:yyy/zosmf/restfiles/fs/workdir/DFHWLP/wlp/usr/servers/defaultServer/dropins/CloudTestServlet.war", "x_content_type_options": "nosniff", "x_ibm_txid": "tx000000000001A172", "x_powered_by": "Servlet/3.1", "x_xss_protection": "1; mode=block"}
shreeji818 commented 4 years ago

Looks like provisioning of CICS is not successful. Can you check on z/OSMF side if CICS region is provisioned successfully? CICS_DROP_APP_DIR.value is empty and that causes the file not found error.

srisudhap commented 4 years ago

yes. CICS_DROP_APP_DIR value was empty which caused the issue. Now its working so closing this issue