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create pkg_perzl_gmake.lst #17

Closed abmusse closed 9 years ago

abmusse commented 9 years ago

Original report by Aaron Bartell (Bitbucket: aaronbartell, GitHub: aaronbartell).

When Node.js builds native extensions it uses node-gyp which sometimes also requires GNU make (gmake). Would be good to eventually add this when time allows.

Would make a good contribution for a community member via pull request (hint hint)

Some help based on YiPs OpenSourceBinaries:

$ ./ aix61 wget make-4.0
$ ./ aix61 rpm make-4.0
abmusse commented 9 years ago

Original comment by Aaron Bartell (Bitbucket: aaronbartell, GitHub: aaronbartell).

My vote let them load the whole 'enchilada', including the matching gcc compiler, to avoid craziness phone calls/emails. If you agree, maybe close this issue??

Yes, at this point in time that is probably best. I am closing issue.

abmusse commented 9 years ago

Original comment by Tony Cairns (Bitbucket: rangercairns, GitHub: rangercairns).

Mmm ... i have all the correct tools/stuff to do gcc compiles of most things PASE, including make, etc., python egg, ruby gem, (... i hope anyway), do we want to start separating the list of tool into different tool_thing_goes_with_gcc4.6.2.lst ??? My vote let them load the whole 'enchilada', including the matching gcc compiler, to avoid craziness phone calls/emails. If you agree, maybe close this issue??

abmusse commented 9 years ago

Original comment by Aaron Bartell (Bitbucket: aaronbartell, GitHub: aaronbartell).

No offense taken :-)

You can use the make syntax/files to automate a build process for RPG if you wanted to (I've done it), so it doesn't need to be tied to gcc. Though I agree it is often tied to gcc.

abmusse commented 9 years ago

Original comment by Tony Cairns (Bitbucket: rangercairns, GitHub: rangercairns).

No offense meant, how can gmake be "outside" of GCC??? Make, gmake, automake, libtool, etc., all of it is about c code compiling, how is anything using gmake "outside of gcc"???

abmusse commented 9 years ago

Original comment by Aaron Bartell (Bitbucket: aaronbartell, GitHub: aaronbartell).

Good point. Also though, there are times where gmake is necessary outside of gcc (i.e. JRuby's jffi that I did awhile back). I was thinking of making it modular similar to how we did pkg-perzl-bash.lst.

abmusse commented 9 years ago

Original comment by Tony Cairns (Bitbucket: rangercairns, GitHub: rangercairns).

When any customers is adding node.js extensions, and, "build" requires a c compiler (gcc), they must download gcc compiler and tools (gmake included). What are you talking about (already done gcc package below)???


./ pkg_perzl_gcc-4.6.2.lst and 
-- or --
./ pkg_perzl_gcc-4.8.3.lst