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iOS Indoor Map View- fueled by Mongo/Node/Kube backend #37

Open antonmc opened 6 years ago

antonmc commented 6 years ago

Please include details:

antonmc commented 6 years ago

Why is the pattern a good idea?

The pattern is a good idea because indoor maps are new to iOS 11, and because it is an example of an iOS app communicating with Compose Mongo and a Node backend on Kubernetes.

What is the advocacy Potential?

The app is already slated to be used at Index and Think. Lots more potential for talks at conferences.

Is the pattern free to run?

What is the priority?

Needed for Index in Feb, think in March.

Who will write the code?

I will

Are we inheriting code?

No, all new.

Is it for a product or release launch?

For demos at conferences Feb & March

Does this pattern fill a gap in our portfolio?
