IBM / ipfs-social-proof

IPFS Social Proof: A decentralized identity and social proof system
MIT License
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Subs / Channels API #32

Open daviddahl opened 5 years ago

daviddahl commented 5 years ago

each peer can create new channels for peers to subscribe to

The channel names should be unique hashes - the channels can be advertised to followers perhaps?

A channel's meta data should resemble the metadata of a newsgroup or subreddit:

  name: 'My Discussion Forum',
  id: 'Qmhash-unique-id-ofsomekind',
  description: 'Blah blah blah'
  'locale': 'na' // en-uk, de-de, etc 

Syncing the log of post hashes needs to be worked out, but I imagine each post could include the previous post ipns hash and the original ipns hash so clients could potentially re-create the history (albeit slowly)... I have yet to look into CRDT code like orbit-db, etc