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Change order in Logical Connectors table #25

Open carlosbittrich opened 3 years ago

carlosbittrich commented 3 years ago

Usually the component model is forwarded to developers with the specification of the interfaces. A simple way of detailing the interfaces would be to have the Logical Connectors table ordered by "To Element". In this way, the developer would have all the logical connectors names (alias interfaces) of each component consolidated.

glcraig commented 3 years ago

Great suggestion. Adding to backlog!

carlosbittrich commented 3 years ago

Rehinking this, I would prefer to just have one single logical connector between two components (component a "uses" component b) and have multiple messages associated to each logical connector. (This would make a much cleaner Component Static Diagram). Following this logic, I would prefer to have in the Component Dynamic View section a table of Component Messages by Component (or Component Connector) instead of having tables of Component Messages by Interaction Diagram. By the way, currently in ITAA, you can associate messages to connectors, but this relationship is not shown in any output.