IBM / jupyterlab-s3-browser

A JupyterLab extension for browsing S3-compatible object storage
Apache License 2.0
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NASA is working on a similar extension (S3A+) #85

Open rabernat opened 1 year ago

rabernat commented 1 year ago

At the ESIP2022 meeting, I learned that NASA is developing a new S3 Jupyterlab Extension with the following features

S3A+ or S3 Actions Plus is a Jupyterlab extension that allow you to use a ui on your Notebook to:

  • Show a list of available datasets in your notebook )for now we only support datasets in AWS buckets)
  • Connect to any S3 bucket or key that you have access to (By connect I mean adding them to the list of buckets that you can browse and do S3A+ actions)
  • Browse and connect to Public DataSets (We support AWS Public Datasets currently)
  • Right click on buckets or dataset and mount them to your file-system on the notebook with Goofy's
  • Right click on a dataset and add an event driven action (event likes new file upload to the dataset, file deleted, etc. For instance turn a zarr dataset into a COG whenever a new zarr is uploaded) We are are realizing the first version of this Jlab extension soon and are hoping to make it Open Source ASAP

Tagging @rezuma for potential collaboration points with this project.

rezuma commented 1 year ago

@rabernat We built a complete new extension that fits better with our requirements The goal is to make it open source, soon, hopefully before the end of January 23 The first version would allow you to:

We welcome feedback and are willing to demo this jlab extensions and others that are part of the Open Science Studio platform (API Baker, AI PLatform Support, NLP for each notebooks, etc) Open Science Studio platform and all its extensions will be open source too. You can reach me at

octavd commented 1 year ago

hello @rabernat @rezuma looking forward for this release. Good luck with it. :)

octavd commented 1 year ago

Hello @rezuma , any news regarding this new extension?

rezuma commented 1 year ago

@octavd @rabernat We made the extension open source bexplorer (to interact with AWS S3 buckets, public datasets and cross account buckets, in the future we hope to add support for Azure Blob and Google bucket)

We also made open source Pasarela, a server side extension that allow to launch a notebook from any external web app. It creates an API on the Jhub server, and you can pass a full notebook to be opened or just some specific code that will get opened in the first cell.