IBM / newrelic-cli

New Relic CLI is a command line tool which is used to operate New Relic objects(Synthetic monitors, alert policies, conditions, account users etc). You can use it easily to list/get/create/delete these objects. It can be used to backup your New Relic configuration data and restore in the future. It is easy to be used other than calling different REST API endpoints.
Apache License 2.0
62 stars 30 forks source link

Hitting Max API requests and getting a 429 Error #26

Open 6of8Conley opened 5 years ago

6of8Conley commented 5 years ago

I have about 400 monitors, is there a way to slow down the backup so that it doesn't hit the max number of API requests and fails.

Get Monitor Script 200 Success monitor id: xxxx monitor name: xxxx Get Monitor Script 429 monitor id: xxx, monitor name: xxxx

invalid character '<' looking for beginning of value Call NewRelic REST error

Failed to backup monitors, exit. exit status 1

EvgenyDos commented 4 years ago

the same issue