Closed 7rueLightSeeker closed 1 year ago
I am also experiencing this issue, I assume this is a javascript limitation?
Definitely a bug. I'm surprised we're hitting an allocation failure here, since 8K is not a very big allocation (even if we multiply that for UTF-8 expansion it's still not that big). Also, since we don't have any C++ exception handlers, we really should be using new (std::nothrow)
@7rueLightSeeker Is all that's needed to recreate the issue to create a procedure with a single CHAR(8192) out param and call it? Also what platform and node version are you running on? (NOTE: we have an issue template for a reason)
I created a small program to reproduce this issue simply adding 1 to the VARCHAR() value will cause the error.
const odbc = require('odbc');
let cn = `schema=QSYSDIR;UID=${process.env.ODBC_USERNAME};PWD=${process.env.ODBC_PASSWORD};\
Database=${process.env.ODBC_DATABASE};Driver={IBM i Access ODBC Driver};\
// wrap in async
async function main() {
const pool = await odbc.pool(cn);
const connection = await pool.connect();
const statement = await connection.createStatement();
OUT output_param VARCHAR(8191)
SET output_param = 'Hello World';
await statement.execute();
const result = await connection.callProcedure(null,'SCHEMA','EXAMPLE_PROCEDURE', ['']);
@Dries1234 Thanks, but I wasn't able to recreate. Maybe some more details would be helpful:
What platform are you running on? What Node version? What node-odbc version?
@kadler The code itself is running on a local WSL 2 machine (Ubuntu 22.04) The DB2 database I am accessing is on an IBM I Pase server. My node version is v18.14.0, however since this is not officially supported, I also checked using v16.9.1 The package version is ^2.4.7
Let me know if you need any more info or help locating the source of the issue.
Changing the VARCHAR(8292) also causes the issue for me, the code from @Dries1234 is reproduceable for me. Also running through WSL 2.
const statement = await connection.createStatement();
await statement.prepare(`CALL ${opts.schema}.${opts.sql_procedure}(?,?,?)`);
await statement.bind(opts.args);
const result = await statement.execute() as ProcResult;
return result;
I did some more testing and found a method that does not cause the issue. Calling manually has no issues, so the issue must be with the callProcedure function.
I was too quick to post this alternative option since we actually do not get the ouput parameter back with this method.
@kadler Hey there, I did some digging through the cpp code and found something that might be interesting. I can only guess however as I do not have the knowledge to know for sure.
This line here
SQLSMALLINT is being used here. According to DB2 spec
The range of small integers is -32768 to +32767.
MAX_UTF8_BYTES is 4 So if we take our example (8191 *4) + 1 = 32765 This just barely falls in the max value
Now if we take 8192 (8192 * 4) + 1 = 32769 We just pass the limit
I could be completely off here, but I thought I'd share anyways in case I am onto something
Seems like a likely cause. I wonder why we're casting to SQLSMALLINT there.
Turns out I missed this bit:
simply adding 1 to the VARCHAR() value will cause the error.
I was able to recreate by making it a 8192. Personally, I would have found it more helpful to paste the failing code and then describe how to make it work, than vice-versa.
You're right, that's my bad! Could have definitely been more clear.
Looks like the cast to SQLSMALLINT was the problem, PR opened.
Huge thanks for the quick reaction!
I ran into this issue recently and this is just the fix I am looking for. Def thanks for the quick action @kadler... at this time do you have an anticipated date for inclusion in/release of 18?
@markdirish can you review #318 when you get some time?
Revisiting this issue for a few questions/thoughts. The new size CAP seems to be 24575 this is a huge improvement over what it was. I assume at this point we are hitting an SQL datatypes limit.
However crossing this limit still results in a core dump. Some better error handling would be nice, for now setting a hard limit does the job though. In the same category, when a parameter is set too small, it results in a segfault. Both of these would be desirable to be able to at least catch.
Either case, thanks for the quick response and solving of the issue.
@markdirish , do you have an estimate of when your next release will be that will include this fix?
@eric79 should be live now! Give it a test
Hi, im working on IBM i. If i try to call a Procedure returning a char(8192) im getting following error: In ACS it looks fine: If i decrease the char length to 8191 or less it works.
Here is my stored Procedure:
Is it a bug or an expected limitation?