IBM / nodejs-idb-connector

A JavaScript (Node.js) library for communicating with Db2 for IBM i, with support for queries, procedures, and much more. Uses traditional callback-style syntax
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Error SQLSTATE=02000 SQLCODE=100 #138

Closed abamara closed 3 years ago

abamara commented 3 years ago


When calling execute() with a sql that do some update, if there is no update to do, i have this Error: SQLSTATE=02000 SQLCODE=100.

For me there is an issue, this should return a message or a warning and certainly not an error.


abmusse commented 3 years ago

Hello :wave:

Can you provide a simple code snippet that reproduces the issue?

abamara commented 3 years ago


const {dbconn, dbstmt} = require('idb-connector');

const sSql = 'UPDATE MY.TABLE SET COL0=0 WHERE COL1 is not null';
const connection = new dbconn();
const statement = new dbstmt(connection);

statement.prepare(sSql, () => {
  statement.execute((result, error) => {
abamara commented 3 years ago

After looking at source code of the Execute function, i noticed that if sqlReturnCode is different than SQL_SUCCESS or SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO an error is returned.

 void Execute()
    SQLRETURN sqlReturnCode;

    sqlReturnCode = SQLExecDirect(dbStatementObject->stmth, //SQLHSTMT hstmt -Statement handle
                                  sqlStatement,             //SQLCHAR* szSQLStr -SQL statement string
                                  SQL_NTS);                 //SQLINTEGER cbSQlStr -Length of szSQLStr
    DEBUG(dbStatementObject, "SQLExecDirect(%d): %s\n", sqlReturnCode, sqlStatement);
    if (sqlReturnCode == SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO)
      sqlError errObj = returnErrObj(SQL_HANDLE_STMT, dbStatementObject->stmth);
      DEBUG(dbStatementObject, "SQLExecDirect SUCCESS_WITH_INFO (%d) %s\n", errObj.sqlCode, errObj.sqlState);
      if (!strcmp(errObj.sqlState, "0100C") && errObj.sqlCode == 466)
        // Stored Procedures with Result Sets
        dbStatementObject->resultSetAvailable = true;
    else if (sqlReturnCode != SQL_SUCCESS)
      std::string errorMessage = returnErrMsg(SQL_HANDLE_STMT, dbStatementObject->stmth);

So I don't know why the code assume that SQL_NO_DATA_FOUND is an error.

abmusse commented 3 years ago

I agree setting an error for SQL_NO_DATA_FOUND is unexpected.

Here is a snippet from SQLExecDirect docs


Return codes

SQL_NO_DATA_FOUND is returned if the SQL statement is a Searched 
UPDATE or Searched DELETE and no rows satisfy the search condition.


We should patch this and return null for the resultSet instead.

callback(resultSet, error): function to process after exec is complete.

resultSet: array of objects each object represents a row of data.
If an error occurred or there is no resultSet it is set to null.