IBM / nodejs-idb-connector

A JavaScript (Node.js) library for communicating with Db2 for IBM i, with support for queries, procedures, and much more. Uses traditional callback-style syntax
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NodeJS 10 -- IDB Connector 1.1.9 and SQL Functions #74

Closed mikebohlen closed 5 years ago

mikebohlen commented 5 years ago

We have discovered and issue when calling a Function on a remote DB using DRDA that if we fully qualify the call then the function will run just fine. However, if we do not then we get an SQL0204 in the JobLog as follows:

in LIBL type N was not found.... After some testing we discovered this issue is not present when connecting to a LOCAL DB and only applies when we are using a Remote DB. All of our functions are affected by this issue. I have also checked the LIBL and auth.
markdirish commented 5 years ago

This really sounds like an issue with your local connection using *LOCAL to create a connection, which (I believe) uses the library list for the user that is running the job. Since your remote connection won't have access to *LOCAL, you would pass a username and password, and it might not be setting the library list to search through correctly...

Do you have any code that you could share, like just the snippets where you are connecting to the database (removing any sensitive information!)?

mikebohlen commented 5 years ago

sure, I can get that shortly,

I checked the LIBL of the remote DRDA job and it is correct, also this only applies to Functions, SPs, DB2 tables and views are unaffected.

mikebohlen commented 5 years ago

Oh, and the Functions, and SPs are in the same library.

mikebohlen commented 5 years ago

let connection = new IdbConnection.IDB.dbconn();

                //The connection properties don't appear to matter. It uses the id/pw of who ever starts the server.
                connection.conn(process.env.dbName, process.env.dbId, process.env.dbPw);
                connection.setConnAttr(IdbConnection.IDB.SQL_ATTR_DBC_SYS_NAMING, IdbConnection.IDB.SQL_TRUE);
markdirish commented 5 years ago

Hi @mikebohlen,

Could you reformat that last post? When you reply in an email, it sends all of the email chain to the GitHub issue and it makes it difficult to parse. It is probably a better idea to reply directly on GitHub so your email chains and email signatures are not plastered on this public forum. I have gone through your previous posts and removed the email signature.

mikebohlen commented 5 years ago

Just curious if you have found anything on this?

dmabupt commented 5 years ago

Hello @mikebohlen , Would you tell us the Function name of your project? I tried to call QSYS2.MEMORY_POOL() on both local and remote system. Would you confirm that?

const {dbconn, dbstmt} = require('idb-connector');

const connection = new dbconn();
// connection.conn('*LOCAL');
connection.conn('SS1BLD1', 'username', 'password');
const statement = new dbstmt(connection);

statement.exec(sSql, (x) => {
krisbaehr commented 5 years ago

@dmabupt I've tested your code above and the function is found for both *LOCAL and a remote DB. I also removed the QSYS2 library qualifier and surprisingly it worked again both ways.

Then I modified the sql statement to call one of our own functions (SELECT getMake(4864) FROM sysibm.sysdummy1) and called it with a remote db. The result is:

node server.js
SQLExecDirect(-1): SELECT getMake(4864) FROM sysibm.sysdummy1

** ERROR ***
Native Error Code: -204
GETMAKE in LIBL type N not found.
SQLFreeStmt: stmth 3 [SQL_DROP]
SQLDisconnect: conn obj [1803454f0] handler [2]
SQLFreeConnect: conn obj [1803454f0] handler [2]

But by qualifying the library it works fine: node server.js
SQLExecDirect(0): SELECT dunc.getMake(4864) FROM sysibm.sysdummy1
SQLDescribeCol(0) index[0] sqlType[1] colScale[0] colPrecise[10] [{"00001":"TEXTRON "}]
SQLFreeStmt: stmth 3 [SQL_DROP]
SQLDisconnect: conn obj [1803454f0] handler [2]
SQLFreeConnect: conn obj [1803454f0] handler [2]

`const idb = require('idb-connector');

//const sSql = 'SELECT * FROM TABLE(MEMORY_POOL()) X'; const sSql = 'SELECT dunc.getMake(4864) FROM sysibm.sysdummy1';

const connection = new idb.dbconn();

// connection.conn('*LOCAL'); connection.conn('REMOTE', '', ''); connection.setConnAttr(idb.SQL_ATTR_DBC_SYS_NAMING, idb.SQL_TRUE);

connection.debug(true); const statement = new idb.dbstmt(connection);

statement.exec(sSql, (x) => { console.log(JSON.stringify(x)); statement.close(); connection.disconn(); connection.close(); });`

krisbaehr commented 5 years ago

We did a little bit more testing because it sounded to us like a library list issue but the library list is correct. We also tried moving DUNC to the SYS portion of the library list (like QSYS2) but we ran into the same error.

abmusse commented 5 years ago

We did a little bit more testing because it sounded to us like a library list issue but the library list is correct.

Hello @krisbaehr

I was just about to say this sounds like a LIBL issue.

Once connected to the remote db, did you run the following to view the current library list?

statement.exec('SELECT * from qsys2.library_list_info', (result, error) => {
    if (error){
        throw error;
ThePrez commented 5 years ago

For library list to work, you may need to turn on system naming (SQL_ATTR_SYS_NAMING). Or, is that on by default, @abmusse?

krisbaehr commented 5 years ago

@ThePrez I am setting that: connection.setConnAttr(idb.SQL_ATTR_DBC_SYS_NAMING, idb.SQL_TRUE);

krisbaehr commented 5 years ago

@abmusse I ran that statement to get the library list info and it is in the list... {"ORDINAL_POSITION":"13","SCHEMA_NAME":"DUNC","SYSTEM_SCHEMA_NAME":"DUNC","TYPE":"USER","IASP_NUMBER":"0","TEXT_DESCRIPTION":"SOME DESCRIPTION"}

ThePrez commented 5 years ago

Wow, sorry for the red herring. Not sure how I missed that you were already setting system naming. I wonder if system naming isn't being propagated to the remote db (either by design or defect)

dmabupt commented 5 years ago

For library list to work, you may need to turn on system naming (SQL_ATTR_SYS_NAMING). Or, is that on by default, @abmusse?

No, we only enabled autocommit by default ->

@krisbaehr Would you try this workaround ->

mikebohlen commented 5 years ago

Just curious if you found anything further on this. It appears to be a bug.

krisbaehr commented 5 years ago

@dmabupt I tried to set the library list as in your example above and the SQL UDFs are still not found. I also tried executing addlible but it already existed in the library list.

Why would our custom SQL functions behave any differently than system provided functions?

FYI, our tables are being found through the library list, just not the UDFs.

krisbaehr commented 5 years ago

I ran another quick test and our Stored Procedures are NOT being found if unqualified.

ThePrez commented 5 years ago

@krisbaehr, I ran this by some database experts who suggested a PMR to IBM to verify your Db2 environment/attributes. For now, we can leave this issue open until you get to a resolution.

krisbaehr commented 5 years ago

@ThePrez Okay, thanks!

krisbaehr commented 5 years ago

@ThePrez We heard back from IBM and the piece we were missing was calling the 'SET PATH' SQL statement. Calling "SET PATH 'DUNC'" after creating connections worked for us. We'll be adding other libraries to the list too. This fixes calls to both functions and stored procedures. Are there any examples or documentation that need to be provided/updated?

As far as we're concerned this can be closed.

ThePrez commented 5 years ago

Nice!! @abmusse/@dmabupt, can you please update doc where it makes most sense?

abmusse commented 5 years ago

@ThePrez @krisbaehr

How about adding a note within the dbconn.conn method?

Something like:


To access functions and stored procedures without fully qualifying ensure to set your path.


krisbaehr commented 5 years ago

@ThePrez @krisbaehr

How about adding a note within the dbconn.conn method?

Something like:


To access functions and stored procedures without fully qualifying ensure to set your path.



kadler commented 5 years ago

The initial value of the SQL path depends on the naming convention that is used for the first SQL statement within an activation group.

I suppose that the problem here is that the SQL PATH is set during the first CALL QSYS2.QCMDEXC('ADDLIBLE ...'), so it's missing all the libraries that are being added to the library list. If we had a built-in way to set the library list outside of using SQL to call ADDLIBLE, it would be "seamless".

kadler commented 5 years ago

Hmm, I missed some nuance here:

If the System naming convention was used for the first SQL statement, the initial value for the SQL path is set to the special value, *LIBL.

So perhaps the problem is that SQL is being run before the naming format is changed (or perhaps the rule spelled out there is not exactly right, but right most of the time enough to seem true). It'd be interesting to see if there was a way to set the naming format during the connect() if that made this work right.

worksofliam commented 5 years ago

Just going to mention this here:

    statement = new Statement(conn.connection);
    await statement.exec(`SET PATH = ` + libraryList.join(', '));
    await statement.close();
kadler commented 5 years ago

@worksofliam If you want to use the library list, you can just set it to *LIBL as well