IBM / nodejs-idb-connector

A JavaScript (Node.js) library for communicating with Db2 for IBM i, with support for queries, procedures, and much more. Uses traditional callback-style syntax
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select long varchar returns null #78

Closed SvKN0 closed 4 years ago

SvKN0 commented 5 years ago

Hi I have a problem with getting a long varchar field. Select from table with 32k varchar field returns null. Experimentally i have found that substr(varCharStr, 0, 8191) and shorter works well. Is it some limitation or a problem? Node 10.9.0, idb-connector 1.1.10

jasonclake commented 5 years ago

I can duplicate SvKN0's null results issue with the following:

const { dbconn, dbstmt } = require("idb-connector");

function runsqlp(sql, conn) {
    return new Promise((resolve) => {
        let statement = new dbstmt(conn);
        statement.exec(sql, (result, error) => {
            if (error) {
                return resolve(error);


async function test() {
    console.log("```debug output");
    const connection = new dbconn();
    result = await runsqlp(
        --This works
        cast('B' || repeat('X',8189) || 'E' as char(8191)) as string8191
        --Fails as OP says
        ,cast('B' || repeat('X',8190) || 'E' as char(8192)) as string8192
    from sysibm.sysdummy1`,
    console.log("```debug output \n");
    console.log(`\`\`\` result output \n ${JSON.stringify(result,null," ")} \n\`\`\``);



SQLConnect(0): conn obj [180345530] handler [2]
SQLExecDirect(0): SELECT
        --This works
        cast('B' || repeat('X',8189) || 'E' as char(8191)) as string8191
        --Fails as OP says
        ,cast('B' || repeat('X',8190) || 'E' as char(8192)) as string8192
    from sysibm.sysdummy1
SQLDescribeCol(0)       index[0]        sqlType[1]      colScale[0]     colPrecise[8191]
SQLDescribeCol(0)       index[1]        sqlType[1]      colScale[0]     colPrecise[8192]
bindColData is < 0
SQLFreeStmt: stmth 3 [SQL_DROP]


dmabupt commented 5 years ago

The actual size of the char buffer is 4 times of the chars length plus 1 (to avoid overflowing for wide charset) ->

So 8192 chars needs 32769 bytes (32KB + 1 byte). This seems to be the limit of varchar.

Commit 7f04b3ea2130781b1921d0b39852185c7ad8f48a add support to bind to CLOB for long text. And the SQL should work with following changes --

        cast('B' || repeat('X',8189) || 'E' as char(8191)) as string8191
        -- change char to clob
        ,cast('B' || repeat('X',8190) || 'E' as clob(8192)) as string8192
    from sysibm.sysdummy1`,
kadler commented 5 years ago

Is this the case of CLI saying that the buffer is too big? I ran in to that in Python as well:

I also fixed it in CLI to allow > 32k buffers to be used. The PTFs are: 7.4: SI69778 7.3: SI69779 7.2: SI69780

The PTFs will be in the next DB PTF group.

dmabupt commented 5 years ago

@kadler Yes, If we bind the buffer to type SQL_C_CHAR, the maximum size is 32k. But if I bind it to SQL_C_CLOB, there is no problem.

I also tried the provided SQL query in ACS, it showed the detailed message I pasted above.

These PTFs are very helpful for people who has long (>8k) varchar data stored in there Db2 tables. (not that easy to change it to clob)

May I ask if there is a new limit when these PTF applied?

SvKN0 commented 5 years ago

Updated idb-connector to 1.2.0 version. Unfortunately magic with clob doesn't work for me. Only cast(VarChar as clob(8191)) and shorter works well but 8192+ returns null. I converted a varchar field to clob(32k) in my file and tried to just select it without convertion. Get null as well.

dmabupt commented 5 years ago

Hello @SvKN0 , idb-connector v1.2.0 does not contains this changes. It will be landed in idb-connector v1.2.1.

SvKN0 commented 5 years ago

Now it works. Thank you very much for fix! But... =) SQL through idb-con returns some trash at the ends of the clob lines. Running it through some sql editor doesn't reproduce the problem.

dmabupt commented 5 years ago

Hello @SvKN0 , I have run the example code provided by jasonclake above. But I can not find any trash at the ends. Would you tell me how to recreate it?

-bash-4.4$ node longchar.js 
debug output
SQLConnect(0): conn obj [18034d4f0] handler [2]
SQLExecDirect(0): SELECT  
        --This works
        cast('B' || repeat('X',8189) || 'E' as char(8191)) as string8191
        --Fails as OP says
        ,cast('B' || repeat('X',8190) || 'E' as clob(8192)) as string8192
    from sysibm.sysdummy1
SQLDescribeCol(0)       index[0]        sqlType[1]      colScale[0]     colPrecise[8191]
SQLDescribeCol(0)       index[1]        sqlType[14]     colScale[0]     colPrecise[8192]
SQLFreeStmt: stmth 3 [SQL_DROP]

result output 
  "STRING8191": "BX…XE",
  "STRING8192": "BX…XE"
SvKN0 commented 5 years ago

Hello, @dmabupt. To reproduce it just change the SQL statment in this example code to SELECT cast('BxxxE' as clob(32000)) as c from sysibm.sysdummy1 Run it several times and get next results: 1st "BxxxE4о " 2nd "BxxxE4б б " 3rd "BxxxE3y " ...

dmabupt commented 5 years ago

@SvKN0 I can recreate the issue now. The accurate length of CLOB data should be retrieved in advance. Commit 6c9dfac resolved this. But a new CLOB issue #85 is reported. So we may not release a new version until we fix that.

dmabupt commented 5 years ago

Hello @SvKN0 , The new version v1.2.2 is released now. You may upgrade it and verify again.

SvKN0 commented 5 years ago

Hi, @dmabupt. Unfortunately bug is still there. Now it works with latin and with something like '£'. I can reproduce the bug with the test string contains just one unicode symbol 'ё' between 'B' and 'E'. Now result is trimmed. Debug looks as follow: SQLExecDirect(0): SELECT cast('Bп E' as clob(32400)) as clb from sysibm.sysdummy1 SQLNUMRESULTSCOLS(0) Column Count = 1 SQLDescribeCol(0) index[0] sqlType[14] colScale[0] colPrecise[32400] SQLFreeStmt: stmth 3 [SQL_DROP] SQLFreeStmt(0) [{ "CLB": "Bп " }]

kadler commented 5 years ago


May I ask if there is a new limit when these PTF applied?

There is no limit except for what can be stored in a signed integer (2GiB).

kadler commented 5 years ago

Commit 6c9dfac resolved this.

Using LOB locators is fraught with problems. SQLGetSubString is absolutely not designed to work with multi-byte encodings and will truncate randomly and not give you correct offsets.

krisbaehr commented 4 years ago

What is the latest on this? I'm running into an issue with the listagg() function. In this specific script, I only need 5,000 so I can work around it.

listagg(cast(coalesce(TDCMMT, '') as varchar(32717)), '') within group ( order by TDCMLN asc) as COMMENT_TEXT

jsoques commented 4 years ago

I might have a related problem. Doing a fetchAll from a table that contains a field defined as VARCHAR of length 16000, I get null value. If I do a CAST(myfield AS CHAR(4096)) it will bring data. Works for now as a temporary solution. I would like to know if there is a better solution. Thanks.

dmabupt commented 4 years ago

Hello @SvKN0 , @jsoques and @krisbaehr . Due to the system limit, idb-connector can not get an accurate length of CLOB data by now. Would you try to apply the PTFs from @kadler ? With the PTF I can query CHAR data > 32k.

Is this the case of CLI saying that the buffer is too big? I ran in to that in Python as well: kadler/python-ibmdb@4f40750

I also fixed it in CLI to allow > 32k buffers to be used. The PTFs are: 7.4: SI69778 7.3: SI69779 7.2: SI69780

The PTFs will be in the next DB PTF group.

jsoques commented 4 years ago

The cast is working for me now. Thanks.

github-actions[bot] commented 4 years ago

:wave: Hi! This issue has been marked stale due to inactivity. If no further activity occurs, it will automatically be closed.