IBM / openapi-validator

Configurable and extensible validator/linter for OpenAPI documents
Apache License 2.0
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Error running lint-openapi since v1.18.1 #671

Closed chadxz closed 2 months ago

chadxz commented 2 months ago

I'm getting this error:

[ERROR] Problem reading Spectral ruleset file '/Users/chad/src/smartrr/.spectral.yml': Cannot extend non-existing rule: "array-items"

My config file looks like this:

# .spectral.yml
extends: "@ibm-cloud/openapi-ruleset"
  ibm-path-segment-casing-convention: off
  ibm-parameter-casing-convention: off
  ibm-property-casing-convention: off
  ibm-enum-casing-convention: off
  ibm-no-array-responses: off
  no-$ref-siblings: off

and i'm running the command lint-openapi -e backend/openapi/vendor.json

This all worked prior to the upgrade. I also tried upgrading to the latest and it still has the issue. I believe the issue was introduced in 1.18.1 by this. I was on 1.18.0 and things were working fine.

Some more info about my install:

❯ yarn info ibm-openapi-validator      
└─ ibm-openapi-validator@npm:1.18.1
   ├─ Version: 1.18.1
   ├─ Exported Binaries
   │  └─ lint-openapi
   └─ Dependencies
      ├─ @ibm-cloud/openapi-ruleset@npm:1.17.1 → npm:1.17.1
      ├─ @stoplight/spectral-cli@npm:^6.11.1 → npm:6.11.1
      ├─ @stoplight/spectral-core@npm:^1.18.3 → npm:1.18.3
      ├─ @stoplight/spectral-parsers@npm:^1.0.4 → npm:1.0.4
      ├─ ajv@npm:^8.12.0 → npm:8.12.0
      ├─ chalk@npm:^4.1.2 → npm:4.1.2
      ├─ commander@npm:^10.0.1 → npm:10.0.1
      ├─ find-up@npm:5.0.0 → npm:5.0.0
      ├─ globby@npm:^11.0.4 → npm:11.1.0
      ├─ js-yaml@npm:^3.14.1 → npm:3.14.1
      ├─ json-dup-key-validator@npm:^1.0.3 → npm:1.0.3
      ├─ lodash@npm:^4.17.21 → npm:4.17.21
      ├─ pad@npm:^2.3.0 → npm:2.3.0
      └─ semver@npm:^7.6.0 → npm:7.6.2
dpopp07 commented 2 months ago

@chadxz I'm unable to reproduce. Perhaps some more info about your setup would be helpful. Do you have the ruleset package installed locally?

chadxz commented 2 months ago

No, just the validator itself. Will see if I can repro in codesandbox.

chadxz commented 2 months ago

I was able to address this by completely removing the package then adding it back. I guess it was something related to my yarn.lock file. Thanks for the sanity check and your help!

dpopp07 commented 2 months ago

No problem - glad it's working!