IBM / portieris

A Kubernetes Admission Controller for verifying image trust.
Apache License 2.0
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Make CA cert definable #389

Closed jusschwa-ibm closed 2 years ago

jusschwa-ibm commented 2 years ago

The values file allows you to define tlsCert and tlsKey when UseGeneratedCerts is set to true. But there is no way to define the ca cert used by the webhooks when you aren't using cert-manager, it only allows you to define it from the generated ca.crt file, which seems to defeat the purpose. This PR allows this CA cert to be defined from values.

sjhx commented 2 years ago

I think this is a positive contribution, so we will have 3 ways to define the certs: 1) cert-manager 2) from the chart defaults (where we currently suggest you run "gencerts" and then repackage charts) 3) from values which is clearly superior to packaging them in the chart

Could you also include a suggestion on updating the Project and helm/portieris/ ? Both to remove the unnecessary gencerts advice and to show how to generate and supply certs in values.