IBM / raksh

Seamlessly use VM based TEEs with Kubernetes for data-in use protection
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Create a contrib guide #21

Closed bpradipt closed 4 years ago

bpradipt commented 4 years ago

This task is to create a Contribution guide for the Raksh project.

RagniGarg97 commented 4 years ago

Contribute to the RAKSH project

Reporting Issues

Before reporting an issue, check our backlog of open issues to see if someone else has already reported it. If so, feel free to add your scenario, or additional information, to the discussion. Or simply "subscribe" to it to be notified when it is updated. If you find a new issue with the project we'd love to hear about it! The most important aspect of a bug report is that it includes enough information for us to reproduce it. So, please include as much detail as possible and try to remove the extra stuff that doesn't really relate to the issue itself. The easier it is for us to reproduce it, the faster it'll be fixed! Please don't include any private/sensitive information in your issue!

Pull requests

No Pull Request (PR) is too small! Typos, additional comments in the code, new testcases, bug fixes, new features, more documentation, ... it's all welcome! While bug fixes can first be identified via an "issue", that is not required. It's ok to just open up a PR with the fix, but make sure you include the same information you would have included in an issue - like how to reproduce it. PRs for new features should include some background on what use cases the new code is trying to address. When possible and when it makes sense, try to break-up larger PRs into smaller ones - it's easier to review smaller code changes. But only if those smaller ones make sense as stand-alone PRs. Regardless of the type of PR, all PRs should include:

PRs that fix issues should include a reference like Closes #XXXX in the commit message so that github will automatically close the referenced issue when the PR is merged.

All the repositories accept contributions via GitHub Pull requests (PR). Submit PRs by following the GitHub workflow.

GitHub basic setup

To get started, complete the prerequisites below.


Contributor roles

Special Git configuration is required for these contributors:

For all other contributor roles, follow the standard configuration, shown in Prerequisites.

Golang coding style

Dependency management

In order to add or update a dependency to this project run:

> export GO111MODULE=on
> go get -u [DEPENDENCY]

Since RAKSH uses go modules we highly recommend reading the go modules wiki, especially the daily workflow section. To ensure the working directory contains all necessary files afterwards, run:

> make vendor

Certificate of Origin

In order to get a clear contribution chain of trust we use the signed-off-by language used by the Linux kernel project.

GitHub best practices

Submit issues before PRs

Raise a GitHub issue before starting work on a PR.

Issue tracking

To report a bug that is not already documented, please open a GitHub issue for the repository in question.

If it is unclear which repository to raise your query against, first try to get in contact with us. If in doubt, raise the issue here and we will help you to handle the query by routing it to the correct area for resolution.

Closing issues

Our tooling requires adding a Fixes comment to at least one commit in the PR, which triggers GitHub to automatically close the issue once the PR is merged:

pod: Remove token from Cmd structure

The token and pid data will be hold by the new Process structure and
they are related to a container.

Fixes #123

Signed-off-by: Sebastien Boeuf <>

The issue is automatically closed by GitHub when the commit message is parsed.

GitHub workflow

Raksh employs certain augmentations to a standard GitHub workflow. In this section, we explain these augmentations in more detail. Follow these guidelines when contributing to Kata Containers repositories, except where noted below.

Configure your environment

Most Raksh repository contain code written in the Go language (golang). Go requires all code to be put inside the directory specified by the $GOPATH variable. Follow this example to put the code in the standard location.

$ export GOPATH=${GOPATH:-$HOME/go}
$ mkdir -p "$GOPATH"

Note: If you intend to make minor edits, it's acceptable to simply fork and clone without adding the GOPATH variable.

Fork and clone

In this example, we configure a Git environment to contribute to this very Community repo. We create a sample branch, incorporate reviewer feedback, and rebase our commits.

  1. Fork the upstream repository:

  2. Clone your forked copy of the upstream repository:

  3. While on your forked copy, select the green button Clone or download and copy the URL.

  4. Run the commands below and paste the copied URL (previous step), so your real GitHub user name replaces your-github-username below.

$ mkdir -p $GOPATH/src/
$ cd $GOPATH/src/
$ git clone
$ git checkout -b 1.9.1-raksh origin/1.9.1-raksh

Note: Cloning a forked repository automatically gives a remote origin.

Create a topic branch
  1. Create a new "topic branch" to do your work on:

    $ git checkout -b fix-contrib-bugs

    Warning: Never make changes directly to the master branch --always create a new "topic branch" for PR work.

  2. Make some editorial changes. In this example, we modify the file that you are reading.

    $ $EDITOR
  3. Commit your changes to the current (fix-contrib-bugs) branch. Assure you use the correct patch format:

    $ git commit -as
  4. Push your local fix-contrib-bugs branch to your remote fork:

    $ git push -u origin fix-contrib-bugs

    Note: The -u option tells git to "link" your local clone with your remote fork so that it knows from now on that the local repository and the remote fork refer to "the same" upstream repository. Strictly speaking, this option is only required the first time you call git push for a new clone.

  5. Create the PR:

    Note: You do not need to change any of the defaults on this page.

Update your PR based on review comments

Suppose you received some reviewer feedback that asked you to make some changes to your PR. You updated your local branch and committed those review changes by creating three commits. There are now four commits in your local branch: the original commit you created for the PR and three other commits you created to apply the review changes to your branch. Your branch now looks something like this:

$ git log master.. --oneline --decorate=no
4928d57 docs: Fix typos and fold long lines
829c6c8 apply review feedback changes
7c9b1b2 remove blank lines
60e2b2b doh - missed one

Note: The git log command compares your current branch (fix-contrib-bugs) with the master branch and lists all the commits, one per line.

Git rebase if multiple commits

Since all four commits are related to the same change, it makes sense to combine all four commits into a single commit on your PR. You need to git rebase multiple commits on your branch. Follow these steps.

  1. Update the master branch in your local copy of the upstream repository:

    $ cd $GOPATH/src/
    $ git checkout master
    $ git pull --rebase upstream master

    The previous command downloads all the latest changes from the upstream repository and adds them to your local copy.

  2. Now, switch back to your PR branch:

    $ git checkout fix-contrib-bugs
  3. Rebase your changes against the master branch.

    $ git rebase -i master

    Example output:

    pick 2e335ac docs: Fix typos and fold long lines
    pick 6d6deb0 apply review feedback changes
    pick 23bc01d remove blank lines
    pick 3a4ba3f doh - missed one
  4. In your editor, read the comments at the bottom of the screen. Do not modify the first line, pick 2e335ac docs: Fix typos .... Instead, revise pick to squash at the start of all following lines.

    Example output:

    pick 2e335ac docs: Fix typos and fold long lines
    squash 6d6deb0 apply review feedback changes
    squash 23bc01d remove blank lines
    squash 3a4ba3f doh - missed one
  5. Save your changes and quit the editor. Git puts you back into your editor. You will see all the commit messages.

  6. At top is your first commit, which should be in the correct format. Keep your first commit and delete all the following commits, as appropriate, based on the review feedback.

  7. Save the file and quit the editor. Once this operation completes, the four commits will have been converted into a single new commit. Check this by running the git log command again:

    $ git log master.. --oneline --decorate=no
    3ea3aef docs: Fix typo
  8. Force push your updated local fix-contrib-bugs branch to origin remote:

    $ git push -f origin fix-contrib-bugs

Note: Not only does this command upload your changes to your fork, it also includes the latest upstream changes to your fork since you ran git pull --rebase upstream master on the master branch and then merged those changes into your PR branch. This ensures your fork is now "up to date" with the upstream repository. The -f option is a "force push". Since you created a new commit using git rebase, you must "overwrite" the old copy of your branch in your fork on GitHub.

Your PR is now updated on GitHub. To ensure team members are aware of this, leave a message on the PR stating something like, "Review feedback applied". This notification allows the team to once again review your PR more quickly.

GitHub labels and keywords that block PRs

There are two methods that allow marking PRs to prevent them being merged. This practice is often used during development. The two methods are: 1) Use GitHub labels or; 2) Use keywords in the PR subject line. The keywords can appear anywhere in the subject line.

The following table summarises some common scenarios and appropriate use of labels or keywords:

Scenario GitHub label PR description contains
PR created "as an idea" and feedback sought rfc RFC
PR incomplete - needs more work or rework do-not-merge wip WIP
PR should not be merged (has all required "acks", but needs more reviewer input) do-not-merge
PR is a "work In progress", raised to get early feedback wip WIP
PR is complete but depends on another so should not be merged (yet) do-not-merge

If any of the values in the table above are set on a PR, it will be automatically blocked from merging.

Note: Often during discussions, the abbreviated and full terms are used interchangeably. For instance, often DNM is used in discussions as shorthand for do-not-merge. The CI systems only recognise the above phrases as shown.

Sign your PRs

The sign-off is a line at the end of the explanation for the patch. Your signature certifies that you wrote the patch or otherwise have the right to pass it on as an open-source patch. The rules are simple: if you can certify the below (from

Developer Certificate of Origin
Version 1.1
Copyright (C) 2004, 2006 The Linux Foundation and its contributors.
660 York Street, Suite 102,
San Francisco, CA 94110 USA
Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies of this
license document, but changing it is not allowed.
Developer's Certificate of Origin 1.1
By making a contribution to this project, I certify that:
(a) The contribution was created in whole or in part by me and I
    have the right to submit it under the open source license
    indicated in the file; or
(b) The contribution is based upon previous work that, to the best
    of my knowledge, is covered under an appropriate open source
    license and I have the right under that license to submit that
    work with modifications, whether created in whole or in part
    by me, under the same open source license (unless I am
    permitted to submit under a different license), as indicated
    in the file; or
(c) The contribution was provided directly to me by some other
    person who certified (a), (b) or (c) and I have not modified
(d) I understand and agree that this project and the contribution
    are public and that a record of the contribution (including all
    personal information I submit with it, including my sign-off) is
    maintained indefinitely and may be redistributed consistent with
    this project or the open source license(s) involved.

Then you just add a line to every git commit message: Signed-off-by: Joe Smith Use your real name (sorry, no pseudonyms or anonymous contributions.) If you set your and git configs, you can sign your commit automatically with git commit -s.

Stable branch backports

Raksh maintains a number of stable branch releases. Bug fixes to the master branch are selectively applied to (or "backported") these stable branches.

In order to aid identification of commits that potentially should be backported to the stable branches, all PRs submitted must be labeled with one or more of the following labels. At least one label that is not stable-candidate must be included.

Label Meaning
bug A bug fix, which will potentially be a backport candidate
cleanup A cleanup, which will likely not be backported
feature A new feature/enhancement, that will likely not be backported
stable-candidate A PR selected for backporting - very likely a bug fix
vendor A golang vendor update. Might be considered for backport if the vendor update includes critical bug fixes

In the event that a bug fix PR is selected for backporting to the stable branches, the stable-candidate label is added if not already present, and the original author of the PR is asked if they will submit the relevant backport PRs.

Patch format

General format

Beside the Signed-off-by footer, we expect each patch to comply with the following format:

subsystem: One line change summary

More detailed explanation of your changes (why and how)
that spans as many lines as required.

A "Fixes #XXX" comment listing the GitHub issue this change resolves.
This comment is required for the main patch in a sequence. See the following examples.

Signed-off-by: <>

Pull request format

As shown above, pull requests must adhere to these guidelines:

The body of the message is not a continuation of the subject line and is not used to extend the subject line beyond its character limit. The subject line is a complete sentence and the body is a complete, standalone paragraph.


The "subsystem" describes the area of the code that the change applies to. It does not have to match a particular directory name in the source tree because it is a "hint" to the reader. The subsystem is generally a single word. Although the subsystem must be specified, it is not validated. The author decides what is a relevant subsystem for each patch.


Subsystem Description
build Makefile or configuration script change
cli Change affecting command line options or commands
docs Documentation change
logging Logging change
vendor Re-vendoring change

To see the subsystem values chosen for existing commits:

$ git log --no-merges --pretty="%s" | cut -d: -f1 | sort -u

Best practices for patches

We recommend that each patch fixes one thing. Smaller patches are easier to review, more likely to be accepted and merged, and more conducive for identifying problems during review.

A PR can contain multiple patches. These patches should generally be related to the main patch and the overall goal of the PR. However, it is also acceptable to include additional or supplementary patches for things such as:


Main patch

The following is an example of a full patch description for the main change that shows the required "Fixes #XXX" comment, which references the GitHub issue this patch resolves:

pod: Remove token from Cmd structure

The token and pid data will be hold by the new Process structure and
they are related to a container.

Fixes: #123

Signed-off-by: Sebastien Boeuf <>

Supplementary patch

If a PR contains multiple patches, only one of those patches needs to specify the "Fixes #XXX" comment. Supplementary patches have an identical format to the main patch, but do not need to specify a "Fixes #XXX" comment.


image-builder: Fix incorrect error message

Fixed an error message which was referring to an incorrect rootfs
variable name.

Signed-off-by: James O. D. Hunt <>


Before your PRs are merged into the main code base, they are reviewed. We encourage anybody to review any PR and leave feedback.

See the PR review guide for tips on performing a careful review.

We use the GitHub Required Reviews system for reviewers to note if they agree or disagree with a PR. To have an acknowledgment or "nack" registered with GitHub, you must use the GitHub "Review changes" dialog to leave feedback. Notes left only in the comments fields, whilst sometimes useful, will not get registered in the acknowledgment counting system.

Review Examples

The following is an example of a valid "ack", as long as the "Approve" box is ticked in the Review changes dialog:

Excellent work - thanks for your contribution.


Continuous Integration

The Raksh project has a gating process to prevent introducing regressions. When your PR is submitted, a Continuous Integration (CI) system will run different checks on different platforms, based upon your changes.

Some of the checks are:

The Travis job will be executed right after the PR is opened, while the Jenkins jobs will wait to be triggered. A maintainer must add a /test comment on the PR to let the CI jobs run.

All CI jobs must pass in order to merge your PR.


Get an invite to our Slack channel, and then join us on Slack #raksh

Project maintainers

The Raksh project maintainers are the people accepting or rejecting any PR. Although anyone can review PRs, only the acknowledgement (or "ack") from an Approver counts towards the approval of a PR.

Approvers are listed in GitHub teams, one for each repository. The project uses the GitHub required status checks along with the GitHub CODEOWNERSfile to specify who can approve PRs. All repositories are configured to require:

RagniGarg97 commented 4 years ago


bpradipt commented 4 years ago

Contrib guide added. Closing this issue