IBM / rl-testbed-for-energyplus

Reinforcement Learning Testbed for Power Consumption Optimization using EnergyPlus
MIT License
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Program stops without explicit error message #21

Open myndtrust opened 5 years ago

myndtrust commented 5 years ago

I am running the program without any changes and it keeps exiting without completing. At times the error file is empty others I get a weather file vs IDF error. Is there a minimum number of time-steps? Are there any changes that we need to make to the IDF files or other settings?

Note: this is on Ubuntu 18.04.

cat /home/eric/eplog/openai-2019-05-13-17-45-32-625093/output/episode-00000020/eplusout.err Program Version,EnergyPlus, Version 8.8.0-7c3bbe4830, YMD=2019.05.13 19:23,IDD_Version 8.8.0 ***** Beginning Zone Sizing Calculations

Program Version,EnergyPlus, Version 8.8.0-7c3bbe4830, YMD=2019.05.13 12:05,IDD_Version 8.8.0 ***** Beginning Zone Sizing Calculations Warning Weather file location will be used rather than entered (IDF) Location object. ~~~ ..Location object=CHICAGO_IL_USA TMY2-94846 ~~~ ..Weather File Location=Denver Centennial Golden Nr CO USA TMY3 WMO#=724666 ~~~ ..due to location differences, Latitude difference=[2.04] degrees, Longitude difference=[17.43] degrees. ~~~ ..Time Zone difference=[1.0] hour(s), Elevation difference=[862.63] percent, [1639.00] meters. Warning SetUpDesignDay: Entered DesignDay Barometric Pressure=99063 differs by more than 10% from Standard Barometric Pressure=81198. ~~~ ...occurs in DesignDay=CHICAGO_IL_USA ANNUAL HEATING 99% DESIGN CONDITIONS DB, Standard Pressure (based on elevation) will be used.

takaomoriyama commented 5 years ago

What did happen when the execution was stopped ? How many episodes have been completed ? (looks like you have done at least 20 episodes ?)

eplusout.err file usually contains many warning messages as follows:

$ wc output/episode-00000000/eplusout.err 
 118 1233 9593 output/episode-00000000/eplusout.err
$ cat output/episode-00000000/eplusout.err 
Program Version,EnergyPlus, Version 8.8.0-7c3bbe4830, YMD=2019.05.31 15:21,IDD_Version 8.8.0
   ************* Beginning Zone Sizing Calculations
   ** Warning ** Weather file location will be used rather than entered (IDF) Location object.
   **   ~~~   ** ..Location object=CHICAGO_IL_USA TMY2-94846
   **   ~~~   ** ..Weather File Location=San Francisco Intl Ap CA USA TMY3 WMO#=724940
   **   ~~~   ** ..due to location differences, Latitude difference=[4.16] degrees, Longitude difference=[34.65] degrees.
   **   ~~~   ** ..Time Zone difference=[2.0] hour(s), Elevation difference=[98.95] percent, [188.00] meters.
   ** Warning ** Calculated design heating load for zone=WEST ZONE is zero.
   **   ~~~   ** Check Sizing:Zone and ZoneControl:Thermostat inputs.
   ** Warning ** Calculated design heating load for zone=EAST ZONE is zero.
   **   ~~~   ** Check Sizing:Zone and ZoneControl:Thermostat inputs.
   ************* Beginning System Sizing Calculations
   ** Warning ** ManageSizing: Calculated Heating Design Air Flow Rate for System=WEST ZONE AIR SYSTEM is zero.
   **   ~~~   ** Check Sizing:Zone and ZoneControl:Thermostat inputs.
   ** Warning ** ManageSizing: Calculated Heating Design Air Flow Rate for System=EAST ZONE AIR SYSTEM is zero.
   **   ~~~   ** Check Sizing:Zone and ZoneControl:Thermostat inputs.
   ************* Beginning Plant Sizing Calculations
   ** Warning ** In calculating the design coil UA for Coil:Cooling:Water WEST ZONE CW COOLING COIL
   *************  ** Warning ** Secondary air mass flow Iteration limit exceeded in Indirect Evaporative Cooler Research Special = WEST DATA CENTER IEC
   *************  **   ~~~   **   This error occurred 6 total times;
   *************  **   ~~~   **   during Warmup 0 times;
   *************  **   ~~~   **   during Sizing 0 times.
   ************* EnergyPlus Warmup Error Summary. During Warmup: 0 Warning; 0 Severe Errors.
   ************* EnergyPlus Sizing Error Summary. During Sizing: 5 Warning; 0 Severe Errors.
   ************* EnergyPlus Completed Successfully-- 854699 Warning; 2 Severe Errors; Elapsed Time=00hr 15min 35.08sec
myndtrust commented 5 years ago

Here is the eplusout.err file for a that from a episode 396.

Program Version,EnergyPlus, Version 8.8.0-7c3bbe4830, YMD=2019.05.14 10:24,IDD_Version 8.8.0 ************* Beginning Zone Sizing Calculations

The previous episodes error file does not indicate any severe errors neither:

'Program Version,EnergyPlus, Version 8.8.0-7c3bbe4830, YMD=2019.05.14 10:21,IDD_Version 8.8.0 Beginning Zone Sizing Calculations Warning Calculated design heating load for zone=WEST ZONE is zero. ~~~ Check Sizing:Zone and ZoneControl:Thermostat inputs. Warning Calculated design heating load for zone=EAST ZONE is zero. ~~~ Check Sizing:Zone and ZoneControl:Thermostat inputs. Beginning System Sizing Calculations Warning ManageSizing: Calculated Heating Design Air Flow Rate for System=WEST ZONE AIR SYSTEM is zero. ~~~ Check Sizing:Zone and ZoneControl:Thermostat inputs. Warning ManageSizing: Calculated Heating Design Air Flow Rate for System=EAST ZONE AIR SYSTEM is zero. ~~~ Check Sizing:Zone and ZoneControl:Thermostat inputs. Beginning Plant Sizing Calculations Testing Individual Branch Integrity All Branches passed integrity testing Testing Individual Supply Air Path Integrity All Supply Air Paths passed integrity testing Testing Individual Return Air Path Integrity All Return Air Paths passed integrity testing No node connection errors were found. Beginning Simulation Warning CoolingTower:VariableSpeed "COOLING TOWER" - Tower range temperature is outside model boundaries at 2.64E-002. ~~~ ...Valid range = 1.11 to 22.22. Occurrence info = WHOLEYEARDAY, 01/05 13:00 - 13:15 ~~~ ...Tower range temperature passed to the model = 2.63821E-002 ~~~ ...Range temperatures outside model boundaries may not adversely affect tower performance. ~~~ ...This is not an unexpected occurrence when simulating actual conditions. Warning CalcDoe2DXCoil: Coil:Cooling:DX:SingleSpeed="WEST DX COOLING COIL" - Air volume flow rate per watt of rated total cooling capacity is out of range at 2.174E-005 m3/s/W. ~~~ Environment=WHOLEYEARDAY, at Simulation time=01/17 12:00 - 12:15 ~~~ Expected range for VolumeFlowPerRatedTotalCapacity=[2.684E-005--6.713E-005] ~~~ Possible causes include inconsistent air flow rates in system components, ~~~ or variable air volume [VAV] system using incorrect coil type. Warning CalcDoe2DXCoil: Coil:Cooling:DX:SingleSpeed "WEST DX COOLING COIL" - Full load outlet air dry-bulb temperature < 2C. This indicates the possibility of coil frost/freeze. Outlet temperature = -13.57 C. ~~~ ...Occurrence info = WHOLEYEARDAY, 01/17 12:00 - 12:15 ~~~ ... Possible reasons for low outlet air dry-bulb temperatures are: This DX coil ~~~ 1) may have a low inlet air dry-bulb temperature. Inlet air temperature = 10.507 C. ~~~ 2) may have a low air flow rate per watt of cooling capacity. Check inputs. ~~~ 3) is used as part of a HX assisted cooling coil which uses a high sensible effectiveness. Check inputs. Warning CoolingTower:VariableSpeed "COOLING TOWER" - Tower approach temperature is outside model boundaries at 0.44. ~~~ ...Valid range = 1.11 to 40.00. Occurrence info = WHOLEYEARDAY, 02/23 07:45 - 08:00 ~~~ ...Tower approach temperature passed to the model = 0.43596 ~~~ ...Approach temperatures outside model boundaries may not adversely affect tower performance. ~~~ ...This is not an unexpected occurrence when simulating actual conditions. Warning CoolingTower:VariableSpeed "COOLING TOWER" - Inlet air wet-bulb temperature is outside model boundaries at 26.68. ~~~ ...Valid range = -34.40 to 26.67. Occurrence info = WHOLEYEARDAY, 07/19 16:15 - 16:30 ~~~ ...Inlet air wet-bulb temperature passed to the model = 26.666700 ~~~ ...Wet-bulb temperatures outside model boundaries may not adversely affect tower performance. Warning CoolingTower:VariableSpeed "COOLING TOWER" - Inlet air wet-bulb temperature is outside model boundaries at 26.81. ~~~ ...Valid range = -34.40 to 26.67. Occurrence info = WHOLEYEARDAY, 07/19 16:30 - 16:45 ~~~ ...Inlet air wet-bulb temperature passed to the model = 26.666700 ~~~ ...Wet-bulb temperatures outside model boundaries may not adversely affect tower performance. Warning CoolingTower:VariableSpeed "COOLING TOWER" - Inlet air wet-bulb temperature is outside model boundaries at 26.94. ~~~ ...Valid range = -34.40 to 26.67. Occurrence info = WHOLEYEARDAY, 07/19 16:45 - 17:00 ~~~ ...Inlet air wet-bulb temperature passed to the model = 26.666700 ~~~ ...Wet-bulb temperatures outside model boundaries may not adversely affect tower performance. Warning CoolingTower:VariableSpeed "COOLING TOWER" - Inlet air wet-bulb temperature is outside model boundaries at 26.79. ~~~ ...Valid range = -34.40 to 26.67. Occurrence info = WHOLEYEARDAY, 07/19 17:00 - 17:15 ~~~ ...Inlet air wet-bulb temperature passed to the model = 26.666700 ~~~ ...Wet-bulb temperatures outside model boundaries may not adversely affect tower performance. Simulation Error Summary There are 1 unused schedules in input. ***** Use Output:Diagnostics,DisplayUnusedSchedules; to see them.

===== Recurring Error Summary ===== The following recurring error messages occurred.

Warning CoolingTower:VariableSpeed "COOLING TOWER" - Tower range temperature is out of range error continues... ~~~ This error occurred 15100 total times; ~~~ during Warmup 0 times; ~~~ during Sizing 0 times. ***** ~~~ Max=1.1111 Min=1.303273E-005

Warning CalcDoe2DXCoil: Coil:Cooling:DX:SingleSpeed="WEST DX COOLING COIL" - Air volume flow rate per watt of rated total cooling capacity is out of range error continues... ~~~ This error occurred 331812 total times; ~~~ during Warmup 0 times; ~~~ during Sizing 0 times. ~~~ Max=2.510219E-005 Min=1.086084E-005Program Version,EnergyPlus, Version 8.8.0-7c3bbe4830, YMD=2019.05.14 10:24,IDD_Version 8.8.0 Beginning Zone Sizing Calculations

Warning CalcDoe2DXCoil: Coil:Cooling:DX:SingleSpeed="WEST DX COOLING COIL" - Full load outlet temperature indicates a possibility of frost/freeze error continues. Outlet air temperature statistics follow: ~~~ This error occurred 49343 total times; ~~~ during Warmup 0 times; ~~~ during Sizing 0 times. ***** ~~~ Max=1.999787 Min=-43.677777

Warning CoolingTower:VariableSpeed "COOLING TOWER" - Tower approach temperature is out of range error continues... ~~~ This error occurred 42535 total times; ~~~ during Warmup 0 times; ~~~ during Sizing 0 times. ***** ~~~ Max=1.10822 Min=0.

EnergyPlus Warmup Error Summary. During Warmup: 0 Warning; 0 Severe Errors. EnergyPlus Sizing Error Summary. During Sizing: 4 Warning; 0 Severe Errors. ***** EnergyPlus Completed Successfully-- 438800 Warning; 0 Severe Errors; Elapsed Time=00hr 02min 4.79sec'

myndtrust commented 5 years ago

I have ran this on a couple machines, including Ubuntu 16.04 and 18.04. Most runs have quit at the start of the episode001, when num-timesteps is below the 10e9. There seems to be a correlation with num-timesteps and the max episode that can be successfully run. Can you confirm?

The most episodes I was able to run was 5099 with num-timestep set to 10e9 (ran out of storage before program errored out).

Have you had a successful run with anything else than 10e9 num-timesteps?