IBM / spectrum-protect-sppmon

Monitoring and long-term reporting for IBM Spectrum Protect Plus. Provides a data bridge from SPP to InfluxDB and provides visualization dashboards via Grafana.
Apache License 2.0
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BUG: Install Script - Passwords do not match #142

Open NielsKorschinsky opened 1 year ago

NielsKorschinsky commented 1 year ago

Describe the bug

part 6 “Create SPPmon .conf files required for SPPmon execution” , when script registered passwords in config files for SPPmon GUI user, and sppmon SSH user for spp and vsnap servers

When entering the password on the second time for each of the 3 users , we had a message “2 Passwords do not match” despite the fact that we entered two identical passwords I was then obliged to break the script execution

To solve this, we changed the content of the script spectrum-protect-sppmon/scripts/ by replacing is_password=True by is_password=False in all 4 locations of this assignment

It went then smoothly

Required Actions

additional context

It is important to keep these passwords flagged as passwords, as otherwise they would be logged and printed to the console. Both should not happen.