The following is from the discovery team (ping Deepika for more information)
[ ] 1. Limit search results to between 10 and 15, then have a pagination bar at the bottom
[x] 2. Not sure what ranking algorithm is for search results, but would be better to preference results that have entities extracted (to highlight Disco enrichment capabilities)
[x] 3. General sentiments bar ought to label neutrals, in addition to negative and positive
[x] 4. Relabel “General Sentiments” as “Sentiment”
[x] 5. Crosshatching/vertical bars on negative sentiment is peculiar - would eliminate
[x] 6. Cosmetic tweaks to purple search section: the box around the search drop down should be a lighter shade of purple rather than black; the search bar should be aligned with the right column below; the content should be centered vertically, rather than slightly below center (see diagram below)
The following is from the discovery team (ping Deepika for more information)