IBM / watson-waste-sorter

Create an iOS phone application that sorts waste into three categories (landfill, recycling, compost) using a Watson Visual Recognition custom classifier
Apache License 2.0
47 stars 37 forks source link

API Endpoint #36

Open yomi413 opened 5 years ago

yomi413 commented 5 years ago


Can someone please help to explain what other API endpoint can be used if you're not located in US-South? Thanks!

1. Create your visual recognition service
First, we need to clone this repository

git clone
cd watson-waste-sorter
Then, we need to login to the Cloud Foundry CLI.

cf login -a # Please use a different API endpoint if your IBM Cloud account is not in US-South
Next, provision a Lite tier Visual Recognition Service and name it wws-visual-recognition. You can provision it using the above link or the command below.

cf create-service watson_vision_combined lite wws-visual-recognition