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IBM Z Open Editor: File issues here!
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Z open editor and zowe V2 #238

Closed kraabrsg closed 11 months ago

kraabrsg commented 2 years ago

Development environment used

Problem Description

At startup grafik

Log set to DEBUG:

2022-04-28T14:05:16.594+0200 DEBUG: Zowe CLI Secure Credentials Plugin is active. Will initialize Z Open Editor to utilize it.
2022-04-28T14:05:16.605+0200 DEBUG: Zowe CLI Secure Credentials Plugin successfully activated for Z Open Editor.
2022-04-28T14:05:16.806+0200 WARN : The Zowe Explorer VS Code extension was not found or it failed to activate because of an error. Other reasons could be that you might have disabled it or are running an unsupported version. You will not be able to use Zowe Explorer with the IBM Remote System Explorer API (RSE API). The following error was found: "{}"
2022-04-28T14:05:17.156+0200 DEBUG: UsageReporter: Sending the following telemetry data: {"eventName":"activated","properties":{"editor":"Visual Studio Code"}}
2022-04-28T14:05:17.159+0200 DEBUG: UsageReporter: Sending the following telemetry data: {"eventName":"java/found","properties":{"editor":"Visual Studio Code","platform":"win32","java.majorversion":"1.8","java.vendor":"oracle"},"measurements":{"sinceActivated":0.003}}
2022-04-28T14:05:17.164+0200 DEBUG: JavaFinder: Used the "JAVA_HOME" environment variable to locate Java.
2022-04-28T14:05:17.760+0200 DEBUG: Z Open Editor environment summary:
- Z Open Editor version: 2.0.2
- Editor platform: Visual Studio Code
- Editor platform version: 1.66.0
- Required minimal editor platform version: ^1.53.2
- Editor installation root directory: c:\Entwicklung\_VSCDOE_TEST\ZOWE_PLI\resources\app
- Editor installation id: 60c996423c869f575fa4dd8886b167f8e6525788fbf5d7c1ffba8b0a0d0ed9ce
- Editor workspaces: c:\Entwicklung\_VSCDOE_TEST\_zowe_ws_v1_0\PR-BBS-556
- Is a valid Java configured: true
  - Java: C:\Entwicklung\java\jdk1.8.0\bin\java.exe
  - Java memory allocation: 512
  - Java startup user settings: Not defined.
- Key user settings:
  - Unreachable Code enabled: true
  - ZAPP files enabled: false
  - Enforce Case Sensitive Include File Names: false
  - ZAPP schema used: file:///c%3A/Entwicklung/_VSCDOE_TEST/ZOWE_PLI/data/extensions/ibm.zopeneditor-2.0.2/resources/zapp-schema-0.0.2.json
  - IBM User Build enabled: true
  - Zowe CLI API version used for profile management: 6
  - Zowe CLI Secure Credentials enabled: true
  - Zowe CLI profiles of types rse, zosmf or ssh found: 
  - Zowe CLI files profile name specified in VS Code user settings: Not defined.
  - Zowe CLI SSH profile name specified in VS Code user settings: Not defined.
  - Zowe CLI files profile used for remote include files: No profile found.
  - Zowe CLI SSH profile used: No profile found.
  - Zowe Explorer RSE API Mappings File setting: Not defined.
  - Zowe Temp-Dir value: Not defined.
  - COBOL Property Groups defined: mvs-members
  - COBOL include file extensions: .cpy,.copybook,.copy,.cobcopy
  - PL/I Property Groups defined: mvs-members,PLI
  - PL/I include file extensions: .inc,.include,.plinc,.pcx,.pci
  - HLASM Property Groups defined: mvs-members
  - HLASM include file extensions: .s,.assemble,.asm,.hlasm,.hla
  - VS Code Files Assocications: *.COBOL*:cobol,*.COB*:cobol,*.COBCOPY*:cobol,*.COPYBOOK*:cobol,*.COPY*:cobol,*.PL1*:pl1,*.PLI*:pl1,*.INC*:pl1,*.INCLUDE*:pl1,*.SOURCE*:pl1,*.JCL*:jcl,*.ASM*:hlasm,*.ASSEMBLE*:hlasm,*.HLASM*:hlasm,*.HLA*:hlasm,*.pli*:pl1
- Zowe Explorer VS Code Extension version: 2.0.0
  - Successfully activated: true
  - Installation path: c:\Entwicklung\_VSCDOE_TEST\ZOWE_PLI\data\extensions\zowe.vscode-extension-for-zowe-2.0.0
  - Log file location: c:\Entwicklung\_VSCDOE_TEST\ZOWE_PLI\data\extensions\zowe.vscode-extension-for-zowe-2.0.0\logs
- Other VS Code extensions visible: vscode.bat(1.0.0),vscode.clojure(1.0.0),vscode.coffeescript(1.0.0),vscode.configuration-editing(1.0.0),vscode.cpp(1.0.0),vscode.csharp(1.0.0),vscode.css(1.0.0),vscode.css-language-features(1.0.0),vscode.dart(1.0.0),vscode.debug-auto-launch(1.0.0),vscode.debug-server-ready(1.0.0),vscode.diff(1.0.0),vscode.docker(1.0.0),vscode.emmet(1.0.0),vscode.extension-editing(1.0.0),vscode.fsharp(1.0.0),vscode.git(1.0.0),vscode.git-base(1.0.0),vscode.github(0.0.1),vscode.github-authentication(0.0.2),vscode.go(1.0.0),vscode.groovy(1.0.0),vscode.grunt(1.0.0),vscode.gulp(1.0.0),vscode.handlebars(1.0.0),vscode.hlsl(1.0.0),vscode.html(1.0.0),vscode.html-language-features(1.0.0),vscode.image-preview(1.0.0),vscode.ini(1.0.0),vscode.ipynb(1.0.0),vscode.jake(1.0.0),,vscode.javascript(1.0.0),vscode.json(1.0.0),vscode.json-language-features(1.0.0),vscode.julia(1.0.0),vscode.latex(1.0.0),vscode.less(1.0.0),vscode.log(1.0.0),vscode.lua(1.0.0),vscode.make(1.0.0),vscode.markdown(1.0.0),vscode.markdown-language-features(1.0.0),vscode.markdown-math(1.0.0),vscode.merge-conflict(1.0.0),,ms-vscode-remote.remote-wsl-recommender(0.0.15),ms-vscode.js-debug(1.66.1),ms-vscode.js-debug-companion(1.0.17),ms-vscode.references-view(0.0.89),ms-vscode.vscode-js-profile-table(1.0.0),vscode.builtin-notebook-renderers(1.0.0),vscode.npm(1.0.1),vscode.objective-c(1.0.0),vscode.perl(1.0.0),vscode.php(1.0.0),vscode.php-language-features(1.0.0),vscode.powershell(1.0.0),vscode.pug(1.0.0),vscode.python(1.0.0),vscode.r(1.0.0),vscode.razor(1.0.0),vscode.restructuredtext(1.0.0),vscode.ruby(1.0.0),vscode.rust(1.0.0),vscode.scss(1.0.0),,vscode.shaderlab(1.0.0),vscode.shellscript(1.0.0),vscode.simple-browser(1.0.0),vscode.sql(1.0.0),vscode.swift(1.0.0),vscode.theme-abyss(1.0.0),vscode.theme-defaults(1.0.0),vscode.theme-kimbie-dark(1.0.0),vscode.theme-monokai(1.0.0),vscode.theme-monokai-dimmed(1.0.0),vscode.theme-quietlight(1.0.0),vscode.theme-red(1.0.0),vscode.vscode-theme-seti(1.0.0),vscode.theme-solarized-dark(1.0.0),vscode.theme-solarized-light(1.0.0),vscode.theme-tomorrow-night-blue(1.0.0),vscode.typescript(1.0.0),vscode.typescript-language-features(1.0.0),vscode.vb(1.0.0),vscode.xml(1.0.0),vscode.yaml(1.0.0),93akkord.output-link-to-file(0.0.17),dbaeumer.vscode-eslint(2.2.2),IBM.zopeneditor(2.0.2),Zowe.vscode-extension-for-zowe(2.0.0),rsg.rsghostdev(0.0.1)
2022-04-28T14:05:18.148+0200 INFO : IBM Z Open Editor extension has (re)started.
2022-04-28T14:09:02.854+0200 DEBUG: ZLanguageServer.buildServerOptions: Starting PL1 language server from "language-server".
2022-04-28T14:09:02.928+0200 DEBUG: ZLanguageServer: Will start a language server with command "C:\Entwicklung\java\jdk1.8.0\bin\java.exe,-Dosgi.bundles.defaultStartLevel=4,,-Xmx512m,-jar,c:\Entwicklung\_VSCDOE_TEST\ZOWE_PLI\data\extensions\ibm.zopeneditor-2.0.2\language-server\plugins\org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_1.5.700.v20200207-2156.jar,-configuration,c:\Entwicklung\_VSCDOE_TEST\ZOWE_PLI\data\extensions\ibm.zopeneditor-2.0.2\language-server\pl1_config_win,-data,C:\Users\MYUSER\AppData\Local\Temp\_ws_1651147742928".
2022-04-28T14:09:02.932+0200 DEBUG: AbstractZLanguageClient.initializeLanguageClient: Started initializing a new PL1 language client with these initialization options: {"includeFileExtensions":[".inc",".include",".plinc",".pcx",".pci"],"compilerOptions":"NOT(^), OR(!), MARGINS(2,100)"}.
2022-04-28T14:09:05.186+0200 DEBUG: UsageReporter: Sending the following telemetry data: {"eventName":"document/didOpen","properties":{"editor":"Visual Studio Code","language":"pl1"},"measurements":{"sinceActivated":228.03}}
2022-04-28T14:09:05.315+0200 DEBUG: ZLanguagesResourceResolver.documentRequested: The PL1 language server requested the following include file: "MEMBER#". The ID for this request was assigned as "isz11m" There are 1 pending requests being processed.
2022-04-28T14:09:05.316+0200 DEBUG: ZLanguagesResourceResolver.findIncludeFiles(RequestId:isz11m): Started looking for "MEMBER#" in 2 property groups: [mvs-members, PLI]. Will search in that order.
2022-04-28T14:09:05.522+0200 ERROR: You specified an MVS Property Group in your Settings, but no valid Zowe Profile was found that could be used to load files from MVS. Create a Zowe Profile and try again.
2022-04-28T14:09:05.748+0200 DEBUG: ZLanguagesResourceResolver.findIncludeFiles(RequestId:isz11m): Looking for local or downloaded "MEMBER#" in [] using file extensions [".inc",".include",".plinc",".pcx",".pci"].
2022-04-28T14:09:05.749+0200 DEBUG: ZLanguagesResourceResolver.findIncludeFiles(RequestId:isz11m): Looking for local or downloaded "MEMBER#" in [] using file extensions [".inc",".include",".plinc",".pcx",".pci"].
2022-04-28T14:09:05.750+0200 DEBUG: ZLanguagesResourceResolver.findIncludeFiles(RequestId:isz11m): Did not find "MEMBER#"
2022-04-28T14:09:05.750+0200 DEBUG: UsageReporter: Sending the following telemetry data: {"eventName":"includes/found/failed","properties":{"editor":"Visual Studio Code","language":"pl1"},"measurements":{"sinceActivated":228.594}}
2022-04-28T14:09:05.752+0200 WARN : The PL1 language server requested the include file "MEMBER#", which was not found. enforceCaseSensitiveIncludeFileNames was set to false. Check your Zowe CLI profile and property group settings and, if you have not already done so, switch to the "DEBUG" log level for more information.
2022-04-28T14:09:05.753+0200 DEBUG: ZLanguagesResourceResolver.buildResponse(RequestId:isz11m): File "MEMBER#" was not found.

Detailed steps for reproducing the problem:

Install zowe: npm i -g @zowe/cli@zowe-v2-lts zowe plugins install @zowe/cics-for-zowe-cli@zowe-v2-lts @zowe/db2-for-zowe-cli@zowe-v2-lts @zowe/zos-ftp-for-zowe-cli@zowe-v2-lts zowe config init --global-config

replace the generated dummy files with predifined json files

zowe config set --secure zowe config set --secure

we wrote our own custom vscode extension, implementing zowe functions in combination with z open editor

Observed behavior

zowe cli commands working like expected: grafik

This seems somehow use a V1 installation of zowe ???


phaumer commented 2 years ago

@kraabrsg we have seen these errors when there was a problem with the config file, in particular the defaults were missing. These schema does not seem to enforce those fields. Do you have defaults defined?

kraabrsg commented 2 years ago

Hi @phaumer thanks for getting back on this.

Defaults are definend:


I will start and install zowe from scratch, just to be sure, if it solves the problem i will report here back (my colleaugues has the same problem ) => tried that does not change anything, zowe cli is now on version 7.1.0

phaumer commented 2 years ago

@kraabrsg we are not able to reproduce the problem. My colleague and I created a German Windows VM (just in case) and followed all your steps above using your plugins only. The two cases in which Zowe Explorer activation failed (for which we should provide better error messages in the future) are

Could you do the following if possible?

  1. Uninstall Z Open Editor and your own extension and just use Zowe Explorer and see if that works on its own. We assume that it does not work and the problem is actually in Zowe Explorer.
  2. Delete the log files in C:\Users\user.vscode\extensions\zowe.vscode-extension-for-zowe-2.0.0\logs
  3. Delete your ~/.zowe folder (or zip and delete to preserve it) and recreate one using init --global-config with just dummy values such as for the host that you could share with us.
  4. Start VS Code with just Zowe Explorer and if the problem is reproduced attach here the zowe.config.json, zowe.schema.json, and the two log files from the vscode folder above.
kraabrsg commented 2 years ago

@phaumer thanks for getting back on this.

We are familiar with the two cases, and found these pitfalls too(found no "loose" zowe.config.json )...

1.) uninstall of our own extension and z open editor, after reload (and restart) the error does not show up anymore... 2.) done 3.) done and executed zowe config init --global-config 4.) i attached the log files and the zowe json files

Interestingly in the log files are errors, that no default profiles are set, that seems to be the reason why it is not working (but it should work that way, should i file this in the zowe cli / zowe explorer repo ?)....

Thank you!

phaumer commented 2 years ago

@kraabrsg thanks so much. Using your files everything just works for me. I do not get the "no default profiles" message at all. It just finds them and things start up correctly.

I wonder where the difference is to your setup. Could you open an issue in the Zowe Explorer repo? I see a perhaps similar issue filed there when using a mounted network drive. I now suspect that there is a problem with CLI's Imperative searching in many and relative other folders for a config file. But in your case I know that your CLI works... Let's discuss with Zowe CLI people over at the Zowe repo.

phaumer commented 2 years ago

@kraabrsg closing this issue for now as the fix is tracked in Once it becomes available it might also require Z Open Editor to adopt it for include file resolution and user build. So the best workaround (if your issue is the non-default location using a Zowe CLI env variable) to use the ~/.zowe folder for now.

phaumer commented 2 years ago

@kraabrsg we now adopted the changes we did in Zowe for using ZOWE_CLI_HOME for Z Open Editor as well. Let us know if this now works for your.

kraabrsg commented 2 years ago

Hi @phaumer thanks for the update, unfortantly the error is not gone(zowe explorer: 2.0.2, z open editor: 2.0.3):


FALLAI-Denis commented 2 years ago

Hi @kraabrsg,

I understand that you have upgraded to Zowe CLI V2. You initialized the zowe.cofig.json file using the zowe config init --global-config command. I have already seen in other issues that this command generates errors in the zowe.config.json file, in particular by declaring the codePage property instead of the encoding property.

However Z Open Editor "sees" a Zowe CLI V1 version (internal version 6). This could be due to a PATH that gives priority to a node.js/npm installation containing Zowe CLI V1, and for which there would be no profile declared.

Check the absence of a profiles sub-folder in the .zowe folder of the home directory, because Zowe CLI V2 uses Zowe CLI V1 profiles if they are present, (the V1 to V2 migration procedure renames the profiles folder to profiles.old).

Attention: VS Code Z Open Editor and Zowe Explorer extensions do not use Zowe CLI installation, just profiles. They use Zowe SDK which is embedded in the extensions themselves, (you can use VS Code extensions without even installing Zowe CLI as long as you provide the expected profiles).

This leads me to assume that you have a profiles folder declared inside the .zowe folder, but without any profile files inside.

For my part, I also use Zowe CLI V2, but myzowe.config.json file was created by migrating Zowe CLI V1 profiles, (with many issues...). I don't use a base profile.

To diagnose your problem, I suggest that you validate the profiles by means of Zowe CLI command to access files, jobs, etc. The command zowe zosmf check status doesn't validate much except connecting to the z/OSMF server.

If the Zowe CLI commands for files, jobs, etc., work without problems, then (temporarily) remove the base profile by reporting its properties in the service profiles.

Also see if there isn't a zowe.config.json or zowe.config.user.json file placed in the VS Code workspace because it takes precedence over the one declared in your home directory (actually Zowe does a merge of all zowe.config.json / zowe.config.user.json files that are "visible" from where Zowe CLI commands are run). See Property overrides with multiple config files

kraabrsg commented 2 years ago

@FALLAI-Denis thanks for taking time and looking into this.

My colleague started implementing "code completion, syntax highlightning, etc." in our own extension, so it seems atm that we would not use z open editor in the future.

As to the points you stated.

Think came across quite a few of them. There are no old profiles There is no ".zowe" folder in the home directory We configured the codepage,etc. by hand and replacing the original file with our installer.

All zowe commands (including the sdk in our own extension) working like expected. We are testing files to download, list datasets etc. (we also have to include a testsuite in our own extension).

There are 2 points left which i did not check yet:

If i find the issue, i will report back.

FALLAI-Denis commented 2 years ago

Hi @kraabrsg,

Developing an extension at same level as Z Open Editor, or even lower level, may be a heavy task... and you may create a technical debt for your company by having to maintain it... but it's your choice and there must be good reasons for this.

You don't have a .zowe folder in your home directory... very strange, because with Zowe V2, you should find there at least:

I also recommended increasing the memory size allocated to Java to 1024 instead of 512.

What happens if you try to issue a Zowe CLI command from a VS Code Terminal window?

An error message indicates that Zowe Explorer is not active in VS Code. Is this really the case? Without Zowe Explorer, Z Open Editor cannot do anything compared to Zowe CLI, because it delegates all actions to it.

Is there anything in the C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Roaming\Code\logs\<ts>\exthost1\exthost.log log about Zowe Explorer or Zowe CLI?

My log file for Z Open Editor:

This log file is available at c:\Users\S0070188\AppData\Roaming\Code\logs\20220523T190334\exthost1\IBM.zopeneditor\zopeneditor-20220523-170406.log
Initialized IBM Z Open Editor logger on level "DEBUG".
2022-05-23T19:04:06.496+02:00 DEBUG: Zowe CLI Secure Credentials Plugin is active. Will initialize Z Open Editor to utilize it.
2022-05-23T19:04:06.502+02:00 DEBUG: Zowe CLI Secure Credentials Plugin successfully activated for Z Open Editor.
2022-05-23T19:04:08.904+02:00 INFO : Zowe Explorer was modified for IBM Remote System Explorer API (RSE API) support by IBM Z Open Editor.
2022-05-23T19:04:09.188+02:00 DEBUG: UsageReporter: Sending the following telemetry data: {"eventName":"activated","properties":{"editor":"Visual Studio Code"}}
2022-05-23T19:04:09.192+02:00 DEBUG: UsageReporter: Sending the following telemetry data: {"eventName":"java/found","properties":{"editor":"Visual Studio Code","platform":"win32","java.majorversion":"1.8","java.vendor":"oracle"},"measurements":{"sinceActivated":0.004}}
2022-05-23T19:04:09.200+02:00 DEBUG: JavaFinder: Used the "JAVA_HOME" environment variable to locate Java.
2022-05-23T19:04:09.500+02:00 DEBUG: Z Open Editor environment summary:
- Z Open Editor version: 2.0.3
- Editor platform: Visual Studio Code
- Editor platform version: 1.67.2
- Required minimal editor platform version: ^1.53.2
- Editor installation root directory: c:\ProgramData\Microsoft VS Code\resources\app
- Editor installation id: 4c50888f99c01e5c2ea04378fd891e904a9d963379129e49977589f9fafad091
- Editor workspaces: c:\Trv\DepotsGIT\ceab3-environn-osintrn-central-formation-cobol-module1
- Is a valid Java configured: true
  - Java: C:\Program Files\Java\jre8\bin\java.exe
  - Java memory allocation: 2048
  - Java startup user settings: Not defined.
- Key user settings:
  - Unreachable Code enabled: true
  - ZAPP files enabled: true
  - Enforce Case Sensitive Include File Names: false
  - ZAPP schema used: file:///c%3A/Users/S0070188/.vscode/extensions/ibm.zopeneditor-2.0.3/resources/zapp-schema-0.0.2.json
  - IBM User Build enabled: false
  - Zowe CLI API version used for profile management: 7
  - Zowe CLI Secure Credentials enabled: true
  - Zowe CLI profiles of types rse, zosmf or ssh found: GMVS(zosmf),EMVS(zosmf),EMVS-JENKINS(zosmf),GMVS-JENKINS(zosmf),SYSB(zosmf),SYSB-JENKINS(zosmf),TMVS(zosmf),TMVS-JENKINS(zosmf),GMVS-SSH(ssh),EMVS-SSH(ssh),SYSB-SSH(ssh),TMVS-SSH(ssh)
  - Zowe CLI files profile name specified in VS Code user settings: GMVS
  - Zowe CLI SSH profile name specified in VS Code user settings: GMVS-SSH
  - Zowe CLI files profile used for remote include files: GMVS
  - Zowe CLI SSH profile used: GMVS-SSH
  - Zowe Explorer RSE API Mappings File setting: Not defined.
  - Zowe Temp-Dir value: C:\Trv\DepotsGIT\Temp
  - COBOL Property Groups defined: 
  - COBOL include file extensions: .cpy,.copybook,.copy,.cobcopy
  - PL/I Property Groups defined: 
  - PL/I include file extensions: .inc,.include,.plinc,.pcx,.pci
  - HLASM Property Groups defined: 
  - HLASM include file extensions: .s,.assemble,.asm,.hlasm,.hla
  - VS Code Files Assocications: *.COBCOPY*:cobol,*.COBSRCE*:cobol,*.COPYBOOK*:cobol,*.COPYCOB*:cobol,*.COPY*:cobol,*.PL1*:pl1,*.PLI*:pl1,*.INC*:pl1,*.INCLUDE*:pl1,*.JCL*:jcl,*.CNTL*:jcl,*.ASM*:hlasm,*.ASSEMBLE*:hlasm,*.HLASM*:hlasm,*.HLA*:hlasm,*.COBOL*:cobol,*.COB*:cobol,*.SRCELIB*:cobol,*.COBCOPY:cobol,*.COPYBOOK:cobol,*.COPY:cobol,*.COPYLIB:cobol,*.JCL:jcl,*.CNTL:jcl,*.ASM:hlasm,*.HLASM:hlasm,*.COBOL:cobol,*.COB:cobol,*.build:yaml
- Zowe Explorer VS Code Extension version: 2.0.2
  - Successfully activated: true
  - Installation path: c:\Users\S0070188\.vscode\extensions\zowe.vscode-extension-for-zowe-2.0.2
  - Log file location: c:\Users\S0070188\.vscode\extensions\zowe.vscode-extension-for-zowe-2.0.2\logs
- Other VS Code extensions visible: vscode.bat(1.0.0),vscode.clojure(1.0.0),vscode.coffeescript(1.0.0),vscode.configuration-editing(1.0.0),vscode.cpp(1.0.0),vscode.csharp(1.0.0),vscode.css(1.0.0),vscode.css-language-features(1.0.0),vscode.dart(1.0.0),vscode.debug-auto-launch(1.0.0),vscode.debug-server-ready(1.0.0),vscode.diff(1.0.0),vscode.docker(1.0.0),vscode.emmet(1.0.0),vscode.extension-editing(1.0.0),vscode.fsharp(1.0.0),vscode.git(1.0.0),vscode.git-base(1.0.0),vscode.github(0.0.1),vscode.github-authentication(0.0.2),vscode.go(1.0.0),vscode.groovy(1.0.0),vscode.grunt(1.0.0),vscode.gulp(1.0.0),vscode.handlebars(1.0.0),vscode.hlsl(1.0.0),vscode.html(1.0.0),vscode.html-language-features(1.0.0),vscode.image-preview(1.0.0),vscode.ini(1.0.0),vscode.ipynb(1.0.0),vscode.jake(1.0.0),,vscode.javascript(1.0.0),vscode.json(1.0.0),vscode.json-language-features(1.0.0),vscode.julia(1.0.0),vscode.latex(1.0.0),vscode.less(1.0.0),vscode.log(1.0.0),vscode.lua(1.0.0),vscode.make(1.0.0),vscode.markdown(1.0.0),vscode.markdown-language-features(1.0.0),vscode.markdown-math(1.0.0),vscode.merge-conflict(1.0.0),,ms-vscode-remote.remote-wsl-recommender(0.0.15),ms-vscode.js-debug(1.67.2),ms-vscode.js-debug-companion(1.0.18),ms-vscode.references-view(0.0.89),ms-vscode.vscode-js-profile-table(1.0.1),vscode.builtin-notebook-renderers(1.0.0),vscode.npm(1.0.1),vscode.objective-c(1.0.0),vscode.perl(1.0.0),vscode.php(1.0.0),vscode.php-language-features(1.0.0),vscode.powershell(1.0.0),vscode.pug(1.0.0),vscode.python(1.0.0),vscode.r(1.0.0),vscode.razor(1.0.0),vscode.restructuredtext(1.0.0),vscode.ruby(1.0.0),vscode.rust(1.0.0),vscode.scss(1.0.0),,vscode.shaderlab(1.0.0),vscode.shellscript(1.0.0),vscode.simple-browser(1.0.0),vscode.sql(1.0.0),vscode.swift(1.0.0),vscode.theme-abyss(1.0.0),vscode.theme-defaults(1.0.0),vscode.theme-kimbie-dark(1.0.0),vscode.theme-monokai(1.0.0),vscode.theme-monokai-dimmed(1.0.0),vscode.theme-quietlight(1.0.0),vscode.theme-red(1.0.0),vscode.vscode-theme-seti(1.0.0),vscode.theme-solarized-dark(1.0.0),vscode.theme-solarized-light(1.0.0),vscode.theme-tomorrow-night-blue(1.0.0),vscode.typescript(1.0.0),vscode.typescript-language-features(1.0.0),vscode.vb(1.0.0),vscode.xml(1.0.0),vscode.yaml(1.0.0),andrejunges.Handlebars(0.4.1),atlassian.atlascode(2.10.12),BroadcomMFD.bridge-for-git-explorer(0.2.4),BroadcomMFD.ccf(1.0.1),BroadcomMFD.explorer-for-endevor(1.1.0),eamodio.gitlens(12.0.6),Greenbyte.handlebars-preview(1.4.0),hediet.vscode-drawio(1.6.4),hilleer.yaml-plus-json(1.10.0),,IBM.db2forzosdeveloperextension(1.3.5),IBM.zopeneditor(2.0.3),ITCE-MathieuFay.itce-assistant-cobol(2.9.35),ITCE-MathieuFay.itce-banniere(1.0.1),ITCE-MathieuFay.itce-build-mainframe(1.1.0),ITCE-MathieuFay.itce-guide-git(1.2.1),JayShah.handlebars-vsce(1.0.0),jebbs.plantuml(2.17.2),juliencroain.markdown-viewer(1.0.0),juliencroain.private-extension-manager(1.4.9),Macro4.tracemaster(0.0.10),marp-team.marp-vscode(1.5.2),mechatroner.rainbow-csv(2.4.0),mhutchie.git-graph(1.30.0),MS-CEINTL.vscode-language-pack-fr(1.67.3),ms-vscode-remote.remote-ssh(0.80.0),ms-vscode-remote.remote-ssh-edit(0.80.0),ms-vscode.hexeditor(1.9.6),nhoizey.gremlins(0.26.0),redhat.vscode-commons(0.0.6),redhat.vscode-yaml(1.7.0),SonarSource.sonarlint-vscode(2.3.0),theumletteam.umlet(1.0.4),zaaack.markdown-editor(0.1.10),zokugun.cobol-folding(0.2.0),zokugun.explicit-folding(0.21.0),Zowe.vscode-extension-for-zowe(2.0.2)
2022-05-23T19:04:09.524+02:00 DEBUG: ZAPP: A valid zapp file was found in "c:\Trv\DepotsGIT\ceab3-environn-osintrn-central-formation-cobol-module1" and will be used instead of user settings.
2022-05-23T19:04:09.932+02:00 INFO : IBM Z Open Editor extension has (re)started.

Do you have a c:\Users\<user>\.vscode\extensions\zowe.vscode-extension-for-zowe-2.0.2\logs folder with zowe.log and imperative.log files?

zowe.log: han han... something's wrong...

[2022/05/23 19:03:43.693] [DEBUG] [extension.js:32] Initialized logger from VSCode extension
[2022/05/23 19:03:44.231] [DEBUG] [extension.js:32] Zowe Explorer is using the team configuration file "zowe.config.json"
[2022/05/23 19:03:44.272] [DEBUG] [extension.js:32] Summary of team configuration files considered for Zowe Explorer: ["Path: C:\\Trv\\DepotsGIT\\ceab3-environn-osintrn-central-formation-cobol-module1\\zowe.config.user.json: Found, with the following defaults:{} ","Path: C:\\Trv\\DepotsGIT\\ceab3-environn-osintrn-central-formation-cobol-module1\\zowe.config.json: Found, with the following defaults:{\"zosmf\":\"GMVS\",\"tso\":\"GMVS-TSO\",\"ssh\":\"GMVS-SSH\",\"zftp\":\"GMVS-FTP\"} ","Path: C:\\Users\\S0070188\\.zowe\\zowe.config.user.json: Found, with the following defaults:{} ","Path: C:\\Users\\S0070188\\.zowe\\zowe.config.json: Found, with the following defaults:{\"cics\":\"GMVS-CICS-DUA\",\"db2\":\"GMVS-DB2-DB2$\",\"endevor\":\"GMVS-ENDEVOR\",\"endevor-location\":\"GMVS-ENDEVOR-LOC-ETU-1-S9\",\"ssh\":\"GMVS-SSH\",\"tso\":\"GMVS-TSO\",\"zftp\":\"GMVS-FTP\",\"zosmf\":\"GMVS\"} "]
[2022/05/23 19:03:46.159] [DEBUG] [extension.js:32] Initializing profiles with data set favorites.
[2022/05/23 19:03:46.164] [DEBUG] [extension.js:32] No data set favorites found.
[2022/05/23 19:03:55.051] [DEBUG] [extension.js:32] Initializing profiles with USS favorites.
[2022/05/23 19:03:55.054] [DEBUG] [extension.js:32] No USS favorites found.
[2022/05/23 19:04:03.017] [DEBUG] [extension.js:32] Initializing profiles with jobs favorites.
[2022/05/23 19:04:03.020] [DEBUG] [extension.js:32] No jobs favorites found.
[2022/05/23 19:04:09.493] [DEBUG] [extension.js:32] [r [Error]: An error occurred collecting all configurations from the profile root directory "C:\Users\S0070188\.zowe\profiles". Please supply the configurations on the profile manager constructor parameters OR initialize the profile manager environment. Details: Profile IO Error: A Zowe V1 profile operation was attempted with a Zowe V2 configuration in use.
    at new d (c:\Users\S0070188\.vscode\extensions\zowe.vscode-extension-for-zowe-2.0.2\out\src\extension.js:72:269457)
    at new c (c:\Users\S0070188\.vscode\extensions\zowe.vscode-extension-for-zowe-2.0.2\out\src\extension.js:72:261507)
    at new f (c:\Users\S0070188\.vscode\extensions\zowe.vscode-extension-for-zowe-2.0.2\out\src\extension.js:72:80679)
    at y.getCliProfileManager (c:\Users\S0070188\.vscode\extensions\zowe.vscode-extension-for-zowe-2.0.2\out\src\extension.js:52:68839)
    at y.getSchema (c:\Users\S0070188\.vscode\extensions\zowe.vscode-extension-for-zowe-2.0.2\out\src\extension.js:52:67470)
    at Function.getZoweVersion (c:\Users\S0070188\.vscode\extensions\ibm.zopeneditor-2.0.3\dist\extension.js:5:1121587)
    at Function.<anonymous> (c:\Users\S0070188\.vscode\extensions\ibm.zopeneditor-2.0.3\dist\extension.js:5:1020213)
    at (<anonymous>)
    at s (c:\Users\S0070188\.vscode\extensions\ibm.zopeneditor-2.0.3\dist\extension.js:5:1014409)
    at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:96:5)] {
  mDetails: {
    msg: 'An error occurred collecting all configurations from the profile root directory "C:\\Users\\S0070188\\.zowe\\profiles". Please supply the configurations on the profile manager constructor parameters OR initialize the profile manager environment. Details: Profile IO Error: A Zowe V1 profile operation was attempted with a Zowe V2 configuration in use.',
    additionalDetails: [r [Error]: Profile IO Error: A Zowe V1 profile operation was attempted with a Zowe V2 configuration in use.
        at Function.crashInTeamConfigMode (c:\Users\S0070188\.vscode\extensions\zowe.vscode-extension-for-zowe-2.0.2\out\src\extension.js:72:97792)
        at Function.getAllProfileDirectories (c:\Users\S0070188\.vscode\extensions\zowe.vscode-extension-for-zowe-2.0.2\out\src\extension.js:72:96536)
        at f.collectAllConfigurations (c:\Users\S0070188\.vscode\extensions\zowe.vscode-extension-for-zowe-2.0.2\out\src\extension.js:72:286781)
        at new d (c:\Users\S0070188\.vscode\extensions\zowe.vscode-extension-for-zowe-2.0.2\out\src\extension.js:72:269211)
        at new c (c:\Users\S0070188\.vscode\extensions\zowe.vscode-extension-for-zowe-2.0.2\out\src\extension.js:72:261507)
        at new f (c:\Users\S0070188\.vscode\extensions\zowe.vscode-extension-for-zowe-2.0.2\out\src\extension.js:72:80679)
        at y.getCliProfileManager (c:\Users\S0070188\.vscode\extensions\zowe.vscode-extension-for-zowe-2.0.2\out\src\extension.js:52:68839)
        at y.getSchema (c:\Users\S0070188\.vscode\extensions\zowe.vscode-extension-for-zowe-2.0.2\out\src\extension.js:52:67470)
        at Function.getZoweVersion (c:\Users\S0070188\.vscode\extensions\ibm.zopeneditor-2.0.3\dist\extension.js:5:1121587)
        at Function.<anonymous> (c:\Users\S0070188\.vscode\extensions\ibm.zopeneditor-2.0.3\dist\extension.js:5:1020213)
        at (<anonymous>)
        at s (c:\Users\S0070188\.vscode\extensions\ibm.zopeneditor-2.0.3\dist\extension.js:5:1014409)
        at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:96:5)] {
      mDetails: [Object],
      mMessage: 'Profile IO Error: A Zowe V1 profile operation was attempted with a Zowe V2 configuration in use.'
  mMessage: 'An error occurred collecting all configurations from the profile root directory "C:\\Users\\S0070188\\.zowe\\profiles". Please supply the configurations on the profile manager constructor parameters OR initialize the profile manager environment. Details: Profile IO Error: A Zowe V1 profile operation was attempted with a Zowe V2 configuration in use.'
[2022/05/23 19:04:09.873] [DEBUG] [extension.js:32] File was saved -- determining whether the file is a USS file or Data set.
 Comparing (case insensitive) c:\Users\S0070188\AppData\Roaming\Code\User\settings.json against directory C:\Trv\DepotsGIT\Temp\temp\_D_andC:\Trv\DepotsGIT\Temp\temp\_U_
[2022/05/23 19:04:09.877] [DEBUG] [extension.js:32] File c:\Users\S0070188\AppData\Roaming\Code\User\settings.json is not a data set or USS file 


[2022/05/23 19:03:43.794] [DEBUG] [extension.js:32] Initialized the "Zowe" credential manager for "Zowe".
[2022/05/23 19:03:44.183] [INFO] [extension.js:32] Successfully loaded secure value for service = 'Zowe' account = 'secure_config_props'
[2022/05/23 19:03:44.319] [INFO] [extension.js:32] Successfully loaded secure value for service = 'Zowe' account = 'secure_config_props'
[2022/05/23 19:03:46.169] [DEBUG] [extension.js:32] Using basic authentication
[2022/05/23 19:03:46.173] [DEBUG] [extension.js:32] Creating a session config with these properties:
  "rejectUnauthorized": false,
  "protocol": "https",
  "hostname": "GMVS",
  "port": 8444,
  "user": "user_is_hidden",
  "password": "password_is_hidden",
  "type": "basic"
[2022/05/23 19:03:46.259] [INFO] [extension.js:32] Successfully loaded secure value for service = 'Zowe' account = 'secure_config_props'
[2022/05/23 19:03:47.601] [DEBUG] [extension.js:32] Using basic authentication
[2022/05/23 19:03:47.603] [DEBUG] [extension.js:32] Creating a session config with these properties:
  "rejectUnauthorized": false,
  "protocol": "https",
  "hostname": "emvs",
  "port": 8444,
  "user": "user_is_hidden",
  "password": "password_is_hidden",
  "type": "basic"
[2022/05/23 19:03:50.310] [INFO] [extension.js:32] Successfully loaded secure value for service = 'Zowe' account = 'secure_config_props'
[2022/05/23 19:03:51.743] [DEBUG] [extension.js:32] Using basic authentication
[2022/05/23 19:03:51.747] [DEBUG] [extension.js:32] Creating a session config with these properties:
  "rejectUnauthorized": false,
  "protocol": "https",
  "hostname": "SYSB",
  "port": 8444,
  "type": "basic"
[2022/05/23 19:03:51.997] [INFO] [extension.js:32] Successfully loaded secure value for service = 'Zowe' account = 'secure_config_props'
[2022/05/23 19:03:52.974] [DEBUG] [extension.js:32] Using basic authentication
[2022/05/23 19:03:52.978] [DEBUG] [extension.js:32] Creating a session config with these properties:
  "rejectUnauthorized": false,
  "protocol": "https",
  "hostname": "tmvs",
  "port": 8444,
  "user": "user_is_hidden",
  "password": "password_is_hidden",
  "type": "basic"
[2022/05/23 19:03:53.932] [INFO] [extension.js:32] Successfully loaded secure value for service = 'Zowe' account = 'secure_config_props'
[2022/05/23 19:03:55.058] [DEBUG] [extension.js:32] Using basic authentication
[2022/05/23 19:03:55.061] [DEBUG] [extension.js:32] Creating a session config with these properties:
  "rejectUnauthorized": false,
  "protocol": "https",
  "hostname": "GMVS",
  "port": 8444,
  "user": "user_is_hidden",
  "password": "password_is_hidden",
  "type": "basic"
[2022/05/23 19:03:55.299] [INFO] [extension.js:32] Successfully loaded secure value for service = 'Zowe' account = 'secure_config_props'
[2022/05/23 19:03:57.987] [DEBUG] [extension.js:32] Using basic authentication
[2022/05/23 19:03:57.993] [DEBUG] [extension.js:32] Creating a session config with these properties:
  "rejectUnauthorized": false,
  "protocol": "https",
  "hostname": "emvs",
  "port": 8444,
  "user": "user_is_hidden",
  "password": "password_is_hidden",
  "type": "basic"
[2022/05/23 19:04:00.088] [INFO] [extension.js:32] Successfully loaded secure value for service = 'Zowe' account = 'secure_config_props'
[2022/05/23 19:04:01.382] [DEBUG] [extension.js:32] Using basic authentication
[2022/05/23 19:04:01.385] [DEBUG] [extension.js:32] Creating a session config with these properties:
  "rejectUnauthorized": false,
  "protocol": "https",
  "hostname": "SYSB",
  "port": 8444,
  "type": "basic"
[2022/05/23 19:04:01.424] [INFO] [extension.js:32] Successfully loaded secure value for service = 'Zowe' account = 'secure_config_props'
[2022/05/23 19:04:02.186] [DEBUG] [extension.js:32] Using basic authentication
[2022/05/23 19:04:02.189] [DEBUG] [extension.js:32] Creating a session config with these properties:
  "rejectUnauthorized": false,
  "protocol": "https",
  "hostname": "tmvs",
  "port": 8444,
  "user": "user_is_hidden",
  "password": "password_is_hidden",
  "type": "basic"
[2022/05/23 19:04:02.206] [INFO] [extension.js:32] Successfully loaded secure value for service = 'Zowe' account = 'secure_config_props'
[2022/05/23 19:04:03.023] [DEBUG] [extension.js:32] Using basic authentication
[2022/05/23 19:04:03.026] [DEBUG] [extension.js:32] Creating a session config with these properties:
  "rejectUnauthorized": false,
  "protocol": "https",
  "hostname": "GMVS",
  "port": 8444,
  "user": "user_is_hidden",
  "password": "password_is_hidden",
  "type": "basic"
[2022/05/23 19:04:03.042] [INFO] [extension.js:32] Successfully loaded secure value for service = 'Zowe' account = 'secure_config_props'
[2022/05/23 19:04:03.788] [DEBUG] [extension.js:32] Using basic authentication
[2022/05/23 19:04:03.792] [DEBUG] [extension.js:32] Creating a session config with these properties:
  "rejectUnauthorized": false,
  "protocol": "https",
  "hostname": "emvs",
  "port": 8444,
  "user": "user_is_hidden",
  "password": "password_is_hidden",
  "type": "basic"
[2022/05/23 19:04:03.898] [INFO] [extension.js:32] Successfully loaded secure value for service = 'Zowe' account = 'secure_config_props'
[2022/05/23 19:04:04.661] [DEBUG] [extension.js:32] Using basic authentication
[2022/05/23 19:04:04.664] [DEBUG] [extension.js:32] Creating a session config with these properties:
  "rejectUnauthorized": false,
  "protocol": "https",
  "hostname": "SYSB",
  "port": 8444,
  "type": "basic"
[2022/05/23 19:04:04.676] [INFO] [extension.js:32] Successfully loaded secure value for service = 'Zowe' account = 'secure_config_props'
[2022/05/23 19:04:05.502] [DEBUG] [extension.js:32] Using basic authentication
[2022/05/23 19:04:05.505] [DEBUG] [extension.js:32] Creating a session config with these properties:
  "rejectUnauthorized": false,
  "protocol": "https",
  "hostname": "tmvs",
  "port": 8444,
  "user": "user_is_hidden",
  "password": "password_is_hidden",
  "type": "basic"
[2022/05/23 19:04:05.517] [INFO] [extension.js:32] Successfully loaded secure value for service = 'Zowe' account = 'secure_config_props'
[2022/05/23 19:04:06.544] [INFO] [extension.js:32] Successfully loaded secure value for service = 'Zowe' account = 'secure_config_props'
[2022/05/23 19:04:06.564] [INFO] [extension.js:32] Successfully loaded secure value for service = 'Zowe' account = 'secure_config_props'
[2022/05/23 19:04:07.256] [INFO] [extension.js:32] Successfully loaded secure value for service = 'Zowe' account = 'secure_config_props'
[2022/05/23 19:04:07.309] [INFO] [extension.js:32] Successfully loaded secure value for service = 'Zowe' account = 'secure_config_props'
[2022/05/23 19:04:08.013] [INFO] [extension.js:32] Successfully loaded secure value for service = 'Zowe' account = 'secure_config_props'
JillieBeanSim commented 2 years ago

@kraabrsg sorry to hear you are having difficulties migrating to v2 of Zowe Explorer and Z Open Editor. I have a couple questions:

  1. What version of node are you using? Zowe CLI, Zowe Explorer and Z Open Editor have dropped support for node 12 with the v2 of Zowe release.
  2. Do you use nvm to handle node version management? If so I have noticed that if I change the version of node using nvm after the CLI is installed and try to update or uninstall it fails and I have to switch back to the original node version via nvm to uninstall.
  3. When you replace the predefined json files are you just replacing the zowe.config.json or the schema file too? If you are replacing the schema file also and it doesn't match to original generated by Zowe CLI and it's plugins, that could cause issues as well.

Not having a .zowe folder in the home directory after global installation of Zowe CLI is an indicator that something went wrong during installation. Where are your global-config files being generated if not in the ~/.zowe directory? If using a node version manager I would make sure all Zowe CLI bits including plugins are uninstalled completely under each node version you may have used. Can use the command zowe -V to check for installation of the CLI then zowe plugins list to easily copy the plugin names to paste into the zowe plugins uninstall command. Once you are sure all Zowe CLI bits and instances are uninstalled use a node version that is compatible with the Zowe v2 and then run the npm install -g @zowe/cli command

kraabrsg commented 2 years ago

Hi @JillieBeanSim 1.)V16,15,0 2.) no NVM 3.) we are just replacing the zowe.config.json file

As for the location, we have a seperate Folder(ZOWE_CLI_HOME path variable ) where the zowe.config.json and zowe.schema.json file is located. grafik

where zowe points to the folder where the portable version of nodejs (npm) is located, that is a different one.

Installed plugins:

 -- pluginName: @zowe/cics-for-zowe-cli
 -- package: @zowe/cics-for-zowe-cli
 -- version: 5.0.0
 -- registry:

 -- pluginName: @zowe/db2-for-zowe-cli
 -- package: @zowe/db2-for-zowe-cli
 -- version: 5.0.0
 -- registry:

 -- pluginName: @zowe/zos-ftp-for-zowe-cli
 -- package: @zowe/zos-ftp-for-zowe-cli
 -- version: 2.0.0
 -- registry:
FALLAI-Denis commented 2 years ago

Hi @kraabrsg

Do you have a c:\Users\<user>\.vscode\extensions\zowe.vscode-extension-for-zowe-2.0.2\logs folder or equivalent with a zowe.log and a imperative.log files?

If yes, you can define environment variable ZOWE_APP_LOG_LEVEL and ZOWE_IMPERATIVE_LOG_LEVEL to DEBUG or TRACE.

kraabrsg commented 2 years ago

Hi @FALLAI-Denis well it seems thatDEBUG is allready activated??? haven'T set this env. variables... But there is the error message:


This error should be printed by z open editor.

FALLAI-Denis commented 2 years ago

Hi @kraabrsg

pershaps same as

JillieBeanSim commented 2 years ago

Thanks @kraabrsg for all of the information, I will work on recreating using the Zowe CLI Home envVar and node 16. this helps a lot.

What version of npm is the where zowe pointing to? I am thinking we are wanting them to point to the same node

Screen Shot 2022-05-25 at 8 32 41 AM
JillieBeanSim commented 2 years ago

we have a couple environment variable issues open in Zowe Explorer that are in the plan for this Zowe PI

JillieBeanSim commented 11 months ago

@kraabrsg has the issue been solved with the Zowe Explorer fixes for the issues mentioned above?

kraabrsg commented 11 months ago

Hi @JillieBeanSim we don't use Zowe Explorer, Z Open Editor and Zowe CLI anymore (just the SDK's), so i can't confirm.