IBMStreams / administration

Umbrella project for the IBMStreams organization. This project will be used for the management of the individual projects within the IBMStreams organization.
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Proposal: new project streamsx.geospatialext #108

Closed ulemanstreaming closed 7 years ago

ulemanstreaming commented 7 years ago

I've started to build up a toolkit with geospatial functionality that I need for various projects. Several of these functions and operators have general applicability; some of them I consider "missing" functionality in the supported streams.geospatial toolkit. Examples are a polygon orienter to enforce our round-earth rules for ring orientation on data coming from flat-earth sources and various parsers and formatters for GeoJSON.

So far I've been able to create my extensions strictly in SPL only, by combining pieces already in the streams.geospatial toolkit. My goals are 1) to build reusable components that I happen to need; 2) to show how geospatial functions and operators can be used to create new functionality; and 3) to serve as a sort of requirements and design spec for future inclusion of some of these features in streams.geospatial (probably reimplemented as primitive operators and native functions). My goals do not include optimized performance or elegance, which is why, for example, I consider text string manipulation of WKT geometries acceptable.

I thought of several possible names for such a toolkit: streamsx.geospatial (confusing with streams.geospatial?), streamsx.geospatialextras (too informal?), streamsx.geospatialextensions (too long?), and streamsx.geospatialext (too vague?). I'm totally open to suggestions or being overruled.

ddebrunner commented 7 years ago

There is an empty location based services project:

chanskw commented 7 years ago

I forgot about the locationbasedservices. We can definitely use this to host these geospatial functions.

ddebrunner commented 7 years ago

In the interest of a short name maybe streamsx.geoext with the SPL namespace being Short for geospatial extensions.

I thin we either create a new repo and delete locationbasedservices or rename it.

ulemanstreaming commented 7 years ago

I like streamsx.geoext.

I can see using a locationbasedservices repo for other things that are more use case- or solution-oriented than the more basic functionality I have for geoext. For example, my weather geofencing sample, combining weather data (and the toolkit) and geospatial stuff (from streams.geospatial and streamsx.geoext) could fit there (though it could also go into the general samples repo). But if it's currently empty, removing or renaming it is fine.

mikespicer commented 7 years ago

+1 for streamsx.geoext

chanskw commented 7 years ago

I will create this repo later this week.

chanskw commented 7 years ago

Converted locationbasedservices to geoext.