IBMStreams / streamsx.topology

Develop streaming applications for IBM Streams in Python, Java & Scala.
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Question: Using topology to make toolkits? #419

Closed ecurtin closed 4 years ago

ecurtin commented 8 years ago


Is it possible to write toolkits using topology that could be plugged into a more traditional SPL development environment in Streams Studio? If so, what does that workflow look like?

ddebrunner commented 8 years ago

Not yet, it is something that has been thought about.

Basically build composites in Python/Java/Scala that then can be called from SPL.

chanskw commented 8 years ago

I am thinking about the same thing too. I need to design a toolkit using the topology API that can be integrated with other existing SPL applications.

My current thinking is that I would write a more "reusable" application using the topology APIs and export data from the application for downstream applications to consume. The topology application will serve some specific functions in a bigger application.

ddebrunner commented 8 years ago

Another approach is the microservice approach, where "micro-applications" are connected together using publish-subscribe. So an SPL application can publish a stream that is consumed by a Python App that publishes a stream that is consumed by a Java app and an SPL app etc. etc.

Thus one breaks functionality into applications rather than SPL composites.

ddebrunner commented 8 years ago

Requires #394 to be fixed