IBVSoftware / CollaBoard-Feedback

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Line Connectors - Different view on 2 device #633

Open mtg1986 opened 6 years ago

mtg1986 commented 6 years ago

1.Login to a CollaBoard project on -Surface Pro (200% scaling) -Desktop PC (100% scaling) 2.Connect two tiles on Surface Pro 3.Move tile around 4.Connection does not have the same lenght on both devices.

Tested with 2.0.42 connected to a 2.0.47

-->Please have a look at the video. While on the Surface Pro the connected tiles overlap, there is still a space between them on the desktop pc: https://ibvinfo-my.sharepoint.com/:v:/g/personal/michael_gorog_ibv_ch/EVvRgI_wSJVIu0e3fwIBqrsBDfWjeujv3VhjzfRLADdjfg

mtg1986 commented 6 years ago

After reloading the project the issues did not happen anymore. Was not able to reproduce it again.