IC-Socaciu / all-access-pass-1

Capstone Project
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User Story 6 - Music News App contains an Add Event Page #11

Open IC-Socaciu opened 1 year ago

IC-Socaciu commented 1 year ago

Value proposition

As a musician I want to have the possibility to add my gig to the event list so that I can inform the fans, regular concert goers and promote my music .



Acceptance criteria


Size: M

Roland-Hufnagel commented 1 year ago

This is a useful feature and a good structured userstory. Only it is a bit short. Since it is a 'size: M' you should define some more acceptance-criterias and tasks. Saying: 'Do the job' is not enough. Please specify some more tasks and criterias, e.g. Navigation-Bar contains a link to the 'add form'-page,Clicking Save will lead to the homepage(both are criterias). By the way: I miss a save-button in your wireframe. Tasks could be: Create a addForm-page,Create a form-component,add the link to the nav-bar, ...

IC-Socaciu commented 1 year ago

Thank you for the feedback! Rewriting now.