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RiC-R067 ('authorizes' relation) #4

Open wildit opened 4 years ago

wildit commented 4 years ago

Should not only connect Agent with Mandate but more general Agent with Rule. Example: The Agent "Public" is "authorizedBy" a user regulations of an archive (= Rule) to get access to the archival material. This is a broader use case than the Agent to Agent delegation with Mandate.

wildit commented 4 years ago

Or is this already covered by RiC-R063 regulates/isRegulatedBy? I'm looking for some kind of equivalent of "prov:influences"

florenceclavaud commented 3 years ago

This use case is somewhat out of the scope of archival description (it is more about archival management). I think I would use Mandate, for a specific authorization given to an agent, to access some records (whose access is for example forbidden by law) AgentA(a person for example) rico:authorizedBy MandateM . MandateM(which is a kind of rule thus can bear the 'regulates' object property) rico;regulates ActivityX(here, accessing documents) MandateM 'affects or affected' theRecordResource . (or maybe I would defined and use a subproperty of affects, more specific, that is missing for now in RiC) ActivityX rico:affects aRecordResource (or, maybe, a subproperty, more specific. PROV-O has prov:used) . ActivityX rico:performedBy AgentA (if needed)

If I have to say that some Records are for example publicly available by law, or will be accessible after 10 years, I would use Rule: someRecordResource rico:regulatedBy AccessRuleNumberOne . AccessRuleNumberOne rdf:type rico:Rule . (which enables of course to use the Rule properties) And I would also use this: AccessRuleNumberOne rdf:type 'skos:Concept' ; skos:definition "Publicly available without any restriction, according to this law" .