ICESAT-2HackWeek / coastal_topobathy

Team project aimed at extracting sections of tracklines, and identifying bathymetry and coastal morphology - can be extended to other questions!
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Repo organization #6

Open iled opened 2 years ago

iled commented 2 years ago

Here is a proposal for a directory structure for the repo. I realize this should have been earlier last week, so my apologies.

. (root) .. coastal : where all the code lives. usually named after the project, so it could be coastal_topobathy or something else related. subdirectories can be added if complexity increases. .. data : store relevant data that is to be reused, e.g., vector data that define ROIs (small-ish files only) .. doc : all the project documentation, e.g., instructions, references .. examples : notebooks with demos.

eeholmes commented 2 years ago

@iled This looks good to me! The one thing I would add is a contributors folder where we each have sandbox folders for notebooks/code. I find it very helpful to poke around and see others have coded even if a sandbox effort.

iled commented 2 years ago

I agree that is very helpful to check and play with others code---that is the good thing of open source!

Although, I think it is not that helpful to have a contributors folder. That implies that anyone that wants to clone the repo to work on the project would have to download all of that other stuff, which---e.g., in the case of notebooks---can easily add hundreds of MB to a single pull, besides adding unnecessary complexity to the commit tree.

For that purpose, and to try to make it more like a sandbox, I would recommend others fork the repo and then create any needed folders, or, at least, create a branch in the main repo for that purpose. That way, contributors would have the choice to pull additional code or keep it to the essential. In either case, pull requests could be made to bring useful code back to the main repo/branch!

Anyway, these are just suggestions, I am not vetoing anything!