ICIJ / prophecies

An ICIJ app to conduct data validation and cleaning.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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I run an advanced search in a task #103

Open Soliine opened 3 years ago

Soliine commented 3 years ago

I anticipated the constraints of not being able to search in multiple projects and tasks at once so I designed a user flow which limits each search to one task.

  1. I access 'Advanced search' by starting typing a query in the search bar and clicking 'Advanced search'

    #23 1 Search in the items
  2. I type some queries in the search bar or in boolean operator's fields and I am asked to select one of the search scopes: either Tasks, Tips or History (not sure about searching in History though...maybe we can skip this one, as well as Tips firstly)

    #23 4 Advanced search 1 #23 5 Advanced search 2
  3. I select one project

    #23 6 Advanced search 3 #23 7 Advanced search 4
  4. I filter by task status (it will have an impact on the task dropdown below) and I click 'search'

    #23 8 Advanced search 5 #23 9 Advanced search 6
  5. The results are displayed as for a regular search

    #23 3 Search results

Note: At any stage, if the user clicks 'search' but one or several mandatory fields have not been completed, the field(s) appear like that and the page scrolls down to the first missing field:

#23 9 Advanced search 9