ICIJ / prophecies

An ICIJ app to conduct data validation and cleaning.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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I choose a language #149

Closed Soliine closed 2 years ago

Soliine commented 2 years ago

As a user, I can choose a language (see Figma flow and design):

Animation: As we do for the profile dropdown, when user opens the language list, it keeps open until they click elsewhere. When user clicks the language, the language changes but the list remains open until user clicks elsewhere.

Keyboard navigation: Focus is done with arrows and switching languages is with the Enter key.

Crowdin: https://crowdin.com/project/prophecies

jmpsf commented 2 years ago

Done in https://github.com/ICIJ/prophecies/commit/ef526dc3b473b5ce45706c93c47100a2961eb4cc