ICOMP-UNC / Pepsicity

Advance conveyor belt system.
MIT License
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Tasks List #12

Open FrancoPerotti opened 2 weeks ago

FrancoPerotti commented 2 weeks ago

Task List

1. Project Plan and Milestones

Objective: Develop a comprehensive project plan outlining all key stages, goals, and milestones.


2. System Design Documentation

Objective: Outline the design of the embedded system to ensure all team members understand the structure and functionality.


3. Implement Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) (if applicable)

Objective: Set up a CI/CD pipeline to automate the build and test process.


4. Code Implementation and Style Guidelines

Objective: Implement code with a consistent and professional style, documented thoroughly.


5. Comprehensive Documentation with Doxygen

Objective: Ensure code is thoroughly documented for ease of understanding and maintainability.


6. INSTALL.md - Installation and Setup Guide

Objective: Provide a clear guide for building, flashing, and running the firmware on the target hardware.


7. Hardware Specifications and Schematics

Objective: Provide relevant details about the hardware configuration and connections.


8. Additional Suggestions