For this project, the following modules of the LPC1769 board will be used:
GPIO: Will be used to connect a 7-segment display, which will show the count of processed units.
Systick: This module will perform periodic ADC conversions, connected to an LM35 temperature sensor, allowing temperature readings at regular intervals.
ADC: The ADC will obtain the temperature from the LM35 sensor, converting the sensor's analog signal into digital values that the system can process.
DAC: The DAC will generate a continuous voltage to power the conveyor belt motor, enabling precise control.
TIMER0: This module will be used to perform measurements with the HY-SRF05 ultrasonic sensor, allowing the system to count objects on the conveyor belt.
UART: The UART module will be used to send configuration information for the conveyor belt, such as the operating speed, and to receive system status, alerts, and notifications.
GPDMA: Will be used in conjunction with the UART module to enable efficient communication, without requiring the main processor to handle data transmission.
Sensors Used in the Project:
LM35: Temperature sensor used to measure the temperature of beverages on the conveyor belt.
HY-SRF05: Ultrasonic sensor used to count objects passing above the conveyor belt.
DC Motor: Motor that controls the movement of the conveyor belt.
7-Segment Display: Display that shows the count of objects passing through the conveyor.
LPC1769 Modules Used in the Project
For this project, the following modules of the LPC1769 board will be used:
Sensors Used in the Project:
Interaction Between the Modules