The LPC1769's integrated DAC is used to generate an analog signal that controls the speed of a DC motor. The motor is directly connected to the DAC output, and its speed is adjusted based on a value received via UART.
The system receives a command from a control terminal connected to the microcontroller, where the user inputs a number representing the desired speed level (for example, from 1 to 10). This number is processed to calculate the corresponding output voltage on the DAC, with voltage levels ranging from 0V (motor stopped) to the maximum value of 3.3V (maximum speed).
Motor Control
The LPC1769's integrated DAC is used to generate an analog signal that controls the speed of a DC motor. The motor is directly connected to the DAC output, and its speed is adjusted based on a value received via UART.
The system receives a command from a control terminal connected to the microcontroller, where the user inputs a number representing the desired speed level (for example, from 1 to 10). This number is processed to calculate the corresponding output voltage on the DAC, with voltage levels ranging from 0V (motor stopped) to the maximum value of 3.3V (maximum speed).