ICP-Hacker-House / ICP_Hacker_House_HK

Hacker Houses done by ICP Hubs
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Feedback and Insights on Developing Web3 application with Azle and React on ICP #3

Closed sunshineluyao closed 7 months ago

sunshineluyao commented 7 months ago

Project Deployment Summary: The backend canister for our project is now live on the ICP mainnet, accessible at https://s3qqo-zqaaa-aaaap-qheoa-cai.raw.icp0.io/. The deployment process was completed successfully in 27.44 seconds, marking a significant milestone for our project. The Candid interface for our backend canister is available at https://a4gq6-oaaaa-aaaab-qaa4q-cai.raw.icp0.io/?id=s3qqo-zqaaa-aaaap-qheoa-cai.

Reference Code: Our project's codebase is hosted on GitHub and can be reviewed at https://github.com/fxgst/azle-react?tab=readme-ov-file.


- Learning the Power of ICP for Full-Stack Applications:

One of the most enlightening aspects of working on this project was experiencing firsthand the unique capabilities of the Internet Computer Protocol (ICP) in hosting full-stack applications directly on the blockchain. Unlike traditional EVM-compatible blockchains, which primarily focus on smart contracts for backend logic with limited direct interaction capabilities, ICP allows for hosting both the frontend and backend in canisters. This extended network approach not only enhances security but also enables direct HTTP request handling by the canisters themselves. This architectural distinction opens up a new realm of possibilities for decentralized applications, providing a seamless integration between web interfaces and blockchain logic without the need for intermediaries or additional hosting services.

- Navigating the Complexity of ICP Identities:

While the potential of ICP is immense, the learning curve and user experience have their challenges, particularly around the concept of identities. The ICP ecosystem introduces various types of identities, such as wallet, backend, frontend, and principal IDs, each with its role and scope within both local and IC networks. This multiplicity of identities adds layers of complexity to the development process, especially when managing permissions and interactions between different components of an application. The nuanced distinction between these identities, while powerful, suggests that there is room for simplifying the developer experience to make it more accessible and intuitive. Streamlining how these identities are managed and interact could significantly enhance productivity and lower the entry barrier for new developers venturing into the ICP ecosystem.

fxgst commented 7 months ago

Not a valid submission. Just the template repository.