Regional Planning Meetings and COP Support (includes COP19, 20, and 21)
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Malawi - HRH #90

Closed jb3436 closed 6 years ago

jb3436 commented 6 years ago

Requested from SI Advisor (Ebonnie) Approved by ICPI Assigned to Shaylee.

Need to request slides referenced in original email (JB) - they sent slides from South Africa from the HRH analysis Yaa and Shazad worked on #63


Yabayabadoo commented 6 years ago

@jb3436 the slide deck attached in the email is for Malawi? It would be good to know what the analytic ask is: i.e. do they want a comparison of total FTEs against clinical cascade or specific cadres to specific indicators? Also what level should this be? Site, district, province?

Yabayabadoo commented 6 years ago

@wvp3 @mehtasp @jb3436 The analyses look to be using country level data that the MER indicator would not provide. For example, Lay workers cannot be disaggregated further by lay type. Please advise

jb3436 commented 6 years ago

@Yabayabadoo I found the SA slides. They are posted here. The request is to recreate this slide @mehtasp @Yabayabadoo image

jb3436 commented 6 years ago

Confusion between acting SI advisor (Ebonni) and Permanent SI advisor (Parviez) and the floating HRH technical lead (Vamsi) on the need for the request. Also confusion about who this is assigned to. Shaylee is assigned, Yaa requested the same for South Africa and was consulted but was not assigned to this task! Received conflicting messages from all and opted to complete the analysis and send it along regardless of the internal confusion.

mehtasp commented 6 years ago

Steps: 1) D/l Malawi's SitexIM Factview dataset 2) Subset for TX_CURR, HRH_CURR 3) Create pivot with Sites, FY17 APR (TX_CURR and HRH_CURR) and FY17 Targets (TX_CURR) disaggregating by Total Num 4) Sort by Sites with highest TX_CURR targets and create graph with top 20 sites

Completed and emailed to the group. Posted here on Sharepoint

jb3436 commented 6 years ago

Redacted version of slide below. image